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I see that many negative comments to and about Republicans are beginning to wane. That is a good sign.

We definitely are not ‘people’ for Socialism. I believe we have outside forces influencing the weaker among us, and those dissatisfied with our Congress and our Government in general.

I also feel these same forces, starting with the Clinton’s in the ’90s, have infiltrated the Democratic Party, and a strong Liberal faction has emerged, possessing an insatiable appetite for power.

I know that we, as Americans, will push back on this movement. We only need to stand together and impress friends, families, and neighbors to vote and to fight. We are also fighting the voting fraud instigated by those against us.

We must recognize all of these anti-American obstacles perpetrated by our enemies, even at the Local and State Government levels.

Let your voice be heard. Make your vote count. Find common ground with your fellow Americans, and we will win out.

Republicans and Democrats in the Public sector must stand together with the other parties, and unite. Close the gap of division starting in the neighborhood, and it will flow up.

Neighbors come together to fight crime; let us also come together, put our political differences aside, and fight the common enemy.

iPatriot Contributers


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