Every day I see new positive things happening in my state and hear other people talking about the positive things they are seeing and experiencing.
In my city we got a new (second) Chick-fil-A, a very big one. Other new businesses are also opening around the town where I live. In the same area where the new Chick-fil-A was built there is a new chain car wash, a new automobile service center, and a new automobile tire center. I see the same things happening around other towns everywhere I go, and hear other people talking about the same things.
I am also seeing a dramatic increase in traffic on the main highways and interstates with a noticeable increase in service or “work” vehicles and tractor trailers. As I look at the tractor trailers I notice that they are from all over America, and many have signs on them that the company is hiring. .
In addition to the new businesses many other companies have signs posted that they are hiring. The local trade school enrollment is steadily increasing, especially its commercial truck driving school. A local trucking company has a trailer parked, so it is visible from a major interstate, with a large banner attached offering a signing bonus for new hires.
LARGE U.S.COMPANIES ARE BRINGING JOBS BACK TO AMERICA AND FOREIGN COMPANIES ARE ANNOUNCING PLANS TO MAKE MAJOR INVESTMENTS IN NEW FACILITIES IN AMERICA. One recent example is the announcement Volkswagen made on 3/20/18. They are going to build a new SUV in their plant in Tennessee. They just completed a $9 million dollar plant expansion and will spend another $3.4 million dollars in America to bring the new SUV to market.
Unemployment is at record lows including minorities. And this number is way more accurate than it was with the Obama Administration! Another very important number is the “Work Force Participation” rate. The unemployment rate is not going down because people are giving up looking for work and no longer being counted as unemployed. People are actually going back to work.
The recent tax cuts increased a lot of working American’s weekly or monthly take home pay. Plus many companies gave out unexpected bonuses to all their employees.
A lot of this positive news is a direct result of actions President Trump has taken, but a lot of it began when he was elected due to people simply believing that things would dramatically improve for them due to him becoming President. It must be noted that President Trump has only been in office for 14 months! And he still has a little over 33 months before the 2020 election!
I cannot help but wonder how many more positive things would be happening in America if the Democrats, RINO Republicans, MSM and the rest of the occupants of the “Washington Cesspool” were not obsessed with destroying the Trump Presidency and shredding our Constitution. Here are just a few examples of the depths of “treason” the “Washington Cesspool” is stooping to (and YES I do think that “treason” is the correct word to describe what is happening):
- At last count President Trump has 107 appointees that are still NOT approved by the U.S. Senate! Many others simply withdrew their names from consideration rather than endure a continuation of the ridiculous personal attacks they were being subjected to!
- President Trump still has many key staff positions in his Administration that are not filled, or have people in them who cannot effectively do their job because of “delayed” security clearances.
- The Democrats, with the help of the RINO Republicans, simply refuse to even consider any legislation President Trump wants to get passed. This is in spite of the fact that they supported a lot of this proposed legislation before President Trump was elected. This is especially true in the Senate.
- Continuing to ”leak” information that is intended to damage the Trump Administration. Some of the “information” is totally inaccurate.
- Continuing to “scream” publicly that President Trump is a pathological liar and is doing things that are unconstitutional.
Obama did not experience problems like this when he was sworn in!
If the Left ever regains control of our Federal Government they will never give it up again! We cannot let that happen! We must support the Trump Administration, especially in the midterm elections on November 6 of this year!
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