Vladimir Putin demonstrated he has more class in his little finger than Barack Obama has in his whole body including those size 16 shoes, specially made by a company that outfits clowns. We are not laughing, but in an obtuse way Mr. Obama has made Mr. Trumps’ job easier as Mr. Putin laughs him off. Mr. Trump should invite the 35 Russian diplomats back and have a nice dinner at the White House and send Barack Obama a roast crow.
Mr. Putin wrote: “The diplomats who are returning to Russia will spend the New Year’s holidays with their families and friends. We will not create any problems for US diplomats. We will not expel anyone. We will not prevent their families and children from using their traditional leisure sites during the New Year’s holidays. Moreover, I invite all children of US diplomats accredited in Russia to the New Year and Christmas children’s parties in the Kremlin.”
Talk about turning the Obama sword on him and twisting it! In a few brief sentences, Putin made Obama into the villain and himself into the hero. Good job, Barack. I wonder who could take office soon to make you look like the villain you and swoop in on his white horse to save the day? Oops….But, this was not all of Barack’s skullduggery: Mr. Obama just signed more than 3500 new Regulations, all designed to give Mr. Trump problems if allowed to stand. They will go as soon as President Trump can get his pen in hand, giving him another opportunity to prove his political and best-for-the-country chops, but what a childish, petulant thing to do.
Meanwhile back in the Kremlin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recommended Russian President Vladimir Putin execute a retaliation in kind, and expel 35 American diplomats, saying “…we cannot leave such acts unanswered. Reciprocity is part of diplomatic law”
In response Mr. Putin took the high road, rejected the Lavrov proposal, and posted a statement saying Russia won’t expel any Americans in retaliation to US moves. He nailed Barack to the wall of utter irrelevance. Mr. Putin could only have made it worse adding, ” Now the grown-ups are in charge.” Mr. Putin ended the statement by congratulating U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, and the American people on the New Year and invited the children of US diplomats to a holiday celebration at the Kremlin.
Donald Trump responded, “I always knew Mr. Putin was smart.” The only sounds from the Democrats were those of crickets. On Facebook former Russian President, now Prime Minster Dmitry Medvedev, wrote the Obama administration was ending in “…anti-Russia death throes. It is regrettable that the Obama Administration, which started out by restoring our ties, is ending its term in an anti-Russia death throes. RIP.”
President Putin laughed off Obama’s temper tantrum added Russia has the right to respond in tit-for-tat manner, but will not engage in irresponsible diplomacy. Wrapping with, “It’s a pity that the current U.S. administration is finishing their work in such a manner,” and Russia refuses “to sink to the level of this irresponsible “kitchen” diplomacy.” This is bull ring bandillero style darting by a man who knows what he is doing, unlike our President.
Barack Hussein Obama is the distillation of 50 years of Affirmative Action. He is intelligent, coming by it naturally with two academic parents. Had he not been handed everything free for the color of his skin he could have been something great instead of just a clever, but petulant brat always believing he is the smartest man in the room and prone to tantrums when it is clear that he is not.
Our President-elect was the son of a hard-working, smart developer who depended on highly skilled specialists from engineers to nail pounders. Young Donald admired the men who built things and spent every minute with them he could. He learned the business, literally from the ground up, respecting workers at all levels. He learned to recognize sincerity and skill. When he was undertaking his first big project the most impressive manager candidate was a woman! Mr. Trump rattled the business by appointing her as the boss of the job building Trump Tower, the focal point of his empire. She came in ahead of schedule and under budget!
Mr. Trump appreciates that we and Russia have a common enemy: Islam. Russia has millions of ethnic Russian Muslims. The World War III is under way. Both we and Russia are the targets and defenders. We stand a much greater chance of victory by working and standing together. Putin and Trump recognize that. Mr. Obama was made Muslim at age six to the Imams he is or if not committing apostasy the penalty for which is death, hence some of his recent moves against Israel to identify his allegiance with Islam.
The most likely truth is that Mr. Obama has no faith, but Obama. He is a terminal narcissist and will be, or say, whatever it takes to promote Obama in his religion of self. It is just that simple.
Tags: Donald Trump President Barack Obama Vladimir Putin
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