“Islam Consciously Opposes Freemasonry!”
In truth, it is not so much the real Jews as the Khazarian “Jews” the Islamic world consciously defies! Many have heard this important distinction made by Texe Marrs. But very few are aware Islam is also actively aware of the difference!
“In the name of Allah,” Muslim author H. Abdul Al-Dahir published for the Gulf Medical Relief Fund, “The Masonic agenda is pervasive throughout the educational system. Children are being taught that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a scientific fact. This teaching plays right into the Talmudic beliefs of the Khazar Mason.”
Before we proceed, one must examine the Jewish and Biblical reasons for also opposing the Khazar Mason. True Christians must be completely Biblical about who the Khazarians really are: Revelation 2:9,11 strongly warns:
“I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan… He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches….”
And Jewish sources such as political commentator Christopher Hitchens and Dr. Eran Elhaik are quoted in the Khazarian-exposing book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline. (In providing scientific evidence for who the Khazarian “Jews” are, the true Jewish sources in this book show how faith and science are not opposed.)
Now that the reader is aware how, in a Freemason and Khazarian-opposing way, true Christians, Jews and Muslims must expose the agenda for Khazarian rule in Jerusalem, H. Abdul Al-Dahir adds:
“The Khazar hope is that the future headquarters for this one world government will be Jerusalem and that the seat of government will be the throne of David, which will be sitting a Khazar king who will be trained by the Masons (see the Protocols).
“The Muslims, of course, will not buy into this scenario. A divine ruler is not in his theology. The Muslim is expecting a Dajjal or ‘anti-Christ’ figure much as the Christians are expecting a false messiah.”
Indeed, liberal mainstream “Christian” denominational elements (click here) are now unwittingly subjugated to Khazarian Freemason policies and oppose the US Embassy move to Jerusalem, while many Khazarian-influenced Jews praise the US Embassy move as paving the way for the Temple emergence, where it is prophesied in Daniel and Revelation the Antichrist will proclaim himself as Deity. (See Paul Blanchard’s books on the political reasons for deifying a leader.)
True American patriots will consider President Trump innocent and unwitting for these Masonic plans. More on this is explained in the following article (Click here). https://ipatriot.com/trump-carries-masonic-plans-temple/
We see from this the Masonic Khazarians think they have a win-win situation with the US Embassy moving to Jerusalem. Very clever! Their trump card for allowing the Temple to emerge – which the Masons have wanted for centuries for their world-govt. ruler – will be (in the spirit of syncretistic Masonry) to share Jerusalem with Islam in exchange for Islam allowing the emergence of the Temple (the restored site for the deification, for global political unity, of the final false messiah).
At this point, the reader must understand that non-Masonic true Jews, Christians, and Muslims oppose the anti-Christ world-leader figure set up in Jerusalem. For Muslims to oppose these other two groups in Israel insures the Khazarian “Divide and Conquer” agenda will go forward!
H. Abdul Al-Dahir continues, “The Mason-trained king of Jerusalem fits the description of this evil person very well… The Khazar, through political influence, media control, the banking system and through the stock market has extensive influence in the West. He is the international financier and as a holder of debt controls the strings of corporations, nations, and their citizens.”
True Jews, of course, are not of the Khazarian world-government ilk. Just like Raoul Wallenberg, Schindler, Corrie Ten Boom, and the heroic group of Righteous Gentiles immortally praised in Yad Vashem, today’s Christians have a Divinely-ordained end-times duty to protect the non-Khazarian true Jews from anti-Semitism, to safely see them to Israel. In fact, that is why it is no accident you are reading this! It is your empowered destiny!
Reference: Islam and the Masonic World Order by H. Abdul Al-Dahir (Gulf Medical Relief Fund, 1994).
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