The arrest of Tommy Robinson, a British free speech activist, on May 25th, for simply asking questions of alleged criminal pedophile Muslim defendants, as a citizen journalist, has sent shock waves across the Anglosphere and left millions of people in disbelief, forced to now acknowledge that the United Kingdom, once dedicated to the values of freedom, has taken a hard-core, divergent path towards authoritarian government and away from freedom. The once great nation, that created the Magna Carta and once commanded an empire, is now the land of tyranny, and unless the British people love their freedom enough and fight this injustice in fierce fashion, it will remain a land silenced by intimidation and fear.
The authoritarian socialist government of the United Kingdom has been out to get Robinson for years on anything they can. It has harassed, intimidated, arrested and incarcerated Robinson on past occasions for similar actions, as it did last May, since it is now apparently a “crime” to report on the decades long systematic rape of hundreds of non-Muslim children by gangs of Muslim men, who are now apparently a protected class of people. Lizzie Dearden of the Independent reported that Robinson was arrested for “breaching the peace”, no doubt an absurd pretense by the British authorities, in light of the documented film footage of his actions.
Tommy Robinson, a former member of the English Defense League whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is being unfairly persecuted by the U.K. government. Robinson’s “crime” was that he yelled questions outside Leeds Crown Court and named the alleged defendants, like any other reporter. So what? The state broadcaster, the BBC, and the mainstream media had already named them. Why was he arrested, and why were they not arrested?
If gangs of white men had spent decades torturing and raping little Muslim girls and a justly outraged Muslim reporter was covering the case, in a similar manner as Robinson, would he be arrested?
We all know the answer is “no”, and we know why. The U.K is so invested in their politically correct, multiculturalism, diversity project, as it seemingly calls good “evil” and evil “good”, that it has applied a different treatment of Muslims under the law, which accepts the diversity of legal systems and places their country on a path toward ruin.
Diversity of treatment under the law fragments societies. Diversity in this sense cannot ever work, unless moral values remain constant. If freedom of speech is a value and a virtue, can any free nation really tolerate the intolerant and those who violently oppose freedom of speech, if it expects to remain free?
Free societies can only function with a general respect for the rule of law. If the application of the law appears selective, unjust or political, the people begin to see the law as no longer representing them, their principles and their moral values, and they will defy the bad immoral laws and any injustice of its creation.
Americans should be highly concerned over this case, because the same type of “hate-speech laws” used against British citizens are currently being advocated in the U.S. Senate, by Marco Rubio (R), Kamala Harris (D), Susan Collins (R) and Dianne Feinstein (D) and a long list of others. Hillary Clinton pushed the same laws in 2012, and in 2015 and 2017, House Resolution 569 and 257 and Senate Resolution 118 , three similar unconstitutional laws aimed at our First Amendment rights, were advanced in our Congress, after being drafted by EmgageUSA and the Muslim Public Affairs Council, two Islamic organizations and defenders of designated terrorist organizations and their supporters, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism. The passage of any such anti-Freedom of Speech bill would place our country on Britain’s same ruinous path.
In a frighteningly quick manner and only a matter of hours, not only was Robinson illegitimately arrested, he was taken before a judge without access to his own lawyer, no trial or due process of law, and he was sentenced to thirteen months in prison. Afterwards, he was promptly transported to Hull Prison, where an imminent threat of death awaits him among a prison population that holds a large number of Muslims.
Remember, Kevin Crehan, a British citizen, was imprisoned for a year for leaving a bacon sandwich near a mosque. He was found murdered in his cell on December 27th 2016, which Joseph Curtis reported in The Daily Mail soon after. The same threat hangs over Robinson.
As we all know, there has been no press conference or detailed explanation of Robinson’s arrest from the British government, which further illuminates the illegitimacy of this action. Instead of transparency, the government has banned any reports on the trial of the Muslim pedophiles and the arrest and incarceration of Tommy Robinson. Not only are reporters questions going unanswered, they are forbidden from even reporting the bare facts of Robinson’s incarceration.
On May 26th, Gerald Batten , a UKIP member of the European Parliament tweeted: “I am trying to recall of a case where someone was convicted of a ‘crime’ which cannot be reported on. Where he can be cast into prison without it being possible to report his name, offense, or place of imprisonment for fear of contempt of court. Can anyone remember such a case?”
However, this only infuriated journalists across the Atlantic, and Judi McLeod , editor of the Canada Free Press, opened her article by asking, “Where is Tommy Robinson? A question whose answer should be demanded rather than merely asked … Modern day Merry England has become far more nightmare than fairytale, as it steadily works its way toward ugly police state status.”
What’s next England — people getting ‘disappeared’ into gulags or being shot in the back of the head, in the style of Stalin or Castro?
Free speech is dead in the United Kingdom. The imprisonment of Tommy Robinson and the arbitrary silencing of the press proves this to be so.
In a land that once could proudly state “the sun never sets on the British Empire”, their torch of freedom has been extinguished. It’s a land divided by diversity that has now descended into the darkness of tyranny.
If the globalists in both of American parties and the U.S. State Department have their way, America will be next.
Remember the words of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Tommy Robinson represents a large segment of Britain’s people, with over 500,000 signatures on a petition already to Free Tommy, and they sent a clear message on Saturday May 26th 2018, that they had enough, as hundreds — thousands (?) — of British people gathered outside 10 Downing Street and stopped traffic, chanted and pressed the gates of Number 10 and threw bottles at machine-gun toting policemen.
Their palpable anger hung thick in the air, because they want Robinson, at the very least, to be released from prison and allowed to get back to his life and enjoy the same protection and human rights and dignity as Anjem Choudary, the terrorist supporter, was afforded by the authorities. And short of this, the summer in Britain will turn out to be a season of riots and civil strife, awaiting the spark that moves the good and decent Brits — of a long ancestry dating to 1066 and William the Conqueror — to love their freedom enough to rise and fight furiously to make their land free once more.
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