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Despite all of the piling on that Donald Trump is experiencing as result of comments he made over a decade ago, I am still voting for him.

Here’s why.

As a Christian, I believe God has just humbled Mr. Trump in order to make him an even better president when he is sworn in. I am not condoning the remarks in anyway but I realize we are not electing angels here. I think Mr. Trump has learned a hard lesson and he is smart enough to change his ways. If we are going to hold Trump to a high moral standard then we need to do the same with Hillary and Bill Clinton. After all, did Trump lie to the country like Bill Clinton did when he now famously said he never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky?

Did Trump lie like Hillary did when she told the nation the Benghazi attacks were the result of a youtube video? Has Trump ever been accused of rape and or other sexual misconduct like Bill Clinton has? I could go on but you get the point. Let he who has no sin cast the first stone.

All of you liberals and moderate republicans had better look at the skeletons in your own closet before you decide to throw Trump overboard.

If you wish to persist in pushing the false narrative of the so-called war on women because it’s politically expedient, perhaps you should consider a few things first. Is abortion not a war on women when we as a nation say it’s legal to kill the unborn and then the mother has to live with that decision for the rest of her life? Are we not waging a war on women when we flood our country with illegals and thus open ourselves up to the possibility of more terrorist attacks among other things? Are we not waging a war on women with our generational welfare policies which ultimately hurt families? Is our current overburdensome tax code not in a sense waging a war on women and children?

You can dump Trump if you want to, but realize that elections have consequences and America is in a whole lot of trouble right now. All things considered, Donald Trump’s comments from years ago my be troubling, but are of little overall significance in the large scheme of things in my view.


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