With the whole near Coup to overthrow By the People, For the People coming unzipped by memos and missing and deleted emails just poking above the surface it is now possible to look-see and get an idea of just how precarious our position was as a viable Land of the Free following Barack Hussein Obama’s 2008 election and I am now, finally, really frightened because it was far worse than even I considered.
As youngsters, my best friend and I once went to a nearby river to play on the ice early in the season, at night. The next morning we could see the narrow bridge of ice that we had actually been on and had somehow not broken and that we hadn’t fallen off of.
I feel that way now about the period of November 22, 1963, and this week.
Holly, some of our Tea Party & other insurgent friends used to joke about me being dragged away in the middle of the night by people in black jumpsuits and masks and my existence erased from the record or, as happened, being “taken out” by being discredited.
Not so funny anymore. The peril was dire for real, as in Game Over if we failed. It is still dire and whoever has taken my and maybe your place on the Front Lines of defending America MUST NOT stop, and we must trust them as the generations before ours trusted us.
As God is my Witness, every word I said on the Tea Party trail, over 200 cities and towns nationwide and hundreds more media appearances about the End Times for Freedom nature of what was happening was understating the Titanic (pun intended) disaster for humanity that was unfolding.
I am lucky they took me out with simple humiliation.
Mark Williams was a founder of the Tea Party Movement and a leader in the effort to defeat the Deep State. His book, “Taking Back America, One Tea Party at a Time” was the blueprint for the Trump Revolution. It is available here: http://www.lulu.com/shop/mark-willi…
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