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Back in the day when I was growing into a young lad, there were things that we considered right/wrong, acceptable/unacceptable, normal/abnormal or odd. We were taught how to behave and we knew what to expect for improper behavior. Proper, back then, meant with respect and dignity.

Maybe that’s why I’m considered to be conservative on most issues. I like meaningful structure in life. Laws are fine as long as they are applied equally. Undue regulations that restrict the rights and property of all because of the actions of a few should be changed or eliminated, but not violated. Military service helped reinforce the definition of right and wrong. I like knowing what outcome to expect when a particular act is performed…or not performed.

About a decade or so ago, I noticed things changing a lot and rapidly. Some of the changes were/are for the better but the greatest portion of the changes are, in my opinion, not. Progressives began muting logic and language. They call it social justice and necessary for equality for all.

Recent studies have proven that one out of three progressives is just as stupid as the other two.

We can no longer identify people by gender because they may choose (there is now a choice list of 70+, and growing, genders) to be something other than what they truly are. We (Caucasians) cannot wear our hair in dreadlocks or cornrows because that is considered cultural appropriation. Rachel Dolezal can however, because she “identifies” herself as an African. Eating tacos and drinking beer on Cinco de Mayo is all but required for young adult Americans to show solidarity and unity with our neighbors to the South. Drinking beer on Saint Patrick’s Day, however, is stereotyping and offensive to Irishmen persons according to the PC police.

Antifa (abbreviation for anti-fascist) members forcefully and sometimes brutally mandate what we can say, where we can say it and what we must do to meet their socialist goals. They do so through antagonistic behavior and destruction of personal belongings and public property. They claim warrant to physically harm their perceived opponents…just like fascists. Fascism is portrayed by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and controlling the speech of others by any means deemed necessary. Antifa fits the description precisely.

In some cases we are coerced to accept the outlying as normal and in other cases it is wrong to do so. We must stay on Facebook and Twitter to stay in tune with the ever-changing program. What is normal, proper and acceptable right now may not be so – right now.

We are told to accept, welcome and respect people who claim to be Asian-American, African-American, Mexican-American. Inclusion here is but a one-way street. The immigrants are welcome to clique together within cities and towns, segregating themselves from others with a vested interest in the districts.

Where is the community, the integration, the loyalty and allegiance if Asian or African or Mexican is first when describing an American? If they were interested in part of the whole, wouldn’t they prefer being referred to as American? Where is any assimilation when, after 5, 10 and 20 years the “newcomers” speak very little or no English and demand interpreters in every government office to accommodate their needs?

Why is it necessary for a gay person to make it known to all that they love persons of their same sex and bigoted or homophobic when a straight person so indicates their sexual preference?

Contradictions abound in our muddled and remolded society today. Black or gay or Latino conservatives are treated with disdain by those on the progressive left. Wait! Wait! Isn’t it the progressive left who claim to protect and fight for the rights of minorities? Are not blacks and gays and Latinos the minorities for whom the left professes to speak and protect?

When women vote for conservatives, they are demeaned by their all-inclusive counterparts as submissive to the viewpoints of the males of their surroundings. Shouldn’t the progressive left, the protectors of women, minorities and the downtrodden, show more respect for the intellect and independent thought of women?

It just came to me. I’m not the one who’s confused!

iPatriot Contributers


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