Our country has now witnessed the firing of Andrew McCabe, who was once the Assistant Director of the FB I. McCabe was fired by the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility and the Attorney General for lying to Congress and the FBI, lie’s that resulted in McCabe losing his taxpayer funded pension. McCabe losing his pension, as has been hinted, may be the least of his worries, there may well be even further crimes that could put the SOB in jail.
I believe McCabe may be just the end of the piece of string that will now start to unravel the whole stringy sphere of the sordid conspiracy that Obama’s deep state operators, the Democrat hierarchy and our corrupt media have disparately tried to use to obstruct an elected presidents platform and to ultimately rescind the votes of the people of America who elected Donald Trump as president.
I believe this conspiracy will ultimately be recognized by the citizens of this country as the greatest and most scandalous treachery in our country’s political history and will involve many high ranking people put in place by Barrack Obama or serving in the Obama’s government.
Sir Winston Churchill once said after the German general Rommel had finally been defeated in North Africa, “This is not the end it is not even the beginning of the end but perhaps it is the end of the beginning.”
I have to believe with the DOJ’s Investigator General’s report due to come out soon, Sir Winston Churchill’s message will be in play, and it is long past time
Now to President Trump, Putin and the 2016 election delusion:
With the on again and off again blathering by the Dim’s, and our corrupt lame stream media, here after to be known as our CLSM, on how President Trump has some kind of political buddy relationship with Russian
President Putin and how that fantasy fits in with their Trump Russia election collusion claim is getting so boring it is hard to understand why those buffoons keep at it. Well folks the reason is, that’s all they got.
However I think the time is long overdue to give some actual facts on how Obama with the support of the Democrat Senators and Democrat members of the House of Representatives treated good ole Vlad when they had the power to push Putin around but didn’t.
The Polish and Czech Missile Betrayal
Obama’s initial, shameful international bowing and scraping to Vladimir Putin occurred in 2009, not even one year after Obama’s election. Obama’s notorious first flop, there would be many more, was his concession to Putin over missile defenses in Poland and the Czech Republic.
President Bush and NATO had decided that it was in the best interests of NATO and the West to install defensive missile sites in Poland and the Czech Republic. A ground based midcourse missile defense (GMD). It consisted of strategically placed ground based missiles combined with radars to enable the interception of incoming offensive missiles.
Vladimir Putin was adamantly against the installation of those defensive missile sites. Putin raged against Bush for agreeing to it. Putin and his Duma had made threats (empty threats) against NATO, Poland and the Czech Republic for taking preliminary action to install it. Putin believed it gave Poland and the Czech Republic leverage against Russian power. Yes it would have been leverage against offensive Russian power, but keep in mind this was a defensive missile system.
Then Barrack Obama became president. Putin went right to Obama with his Russian centric objections about the missile sites. In September 2009 Obama caved and with no consultations or warnings to Poland, the Czech Republic, NATO, his Military Joint Chiefs of Staff or the American Congress, canceled the United States promise to install the defensive missile installations in those countries.
It was a massive betrayal of two key U.S. allies in Eastern and Central Europe and an indication of Obama’s weakness as president. What signal did that send to NATO and those two countries that had stood firm with America for months against Russian threats those sites?
Obama’s abysmal collapse to Putin was a shameful abandonment of America’s allies in Eastern and Central Europe and a slap in the face to those who actually believed a key agreement signed by an American President, (Bush) under Obama’s new Washington, was worth the paper it was written on.
But wait was there some tremendous deal Obama was going to receive from Putin for this internationally embarrassing betrayal of his allies? What tremendous deal did Obama receive from Putin in return for his betrayal? Well actually nothing, not one dammed thing. Putin gave him nothing, oh maybe a diplomatic rude gesture after the cancelation. I guess Obama, unlike another president, really didn’t know how to negotiate.
What kind of an incompetent would throw two allies under the bus, which is shameful enough, but not even negotiate some kind of reciprocal arrangement of value to the United States? The answer of course is Barrack Obama. Do not forget that installation was a defensive missile shield; a dangerous sign of Obama’s weakness. Putin among others was paying attention.
Then to rub some salt into the diplomatic wounds he had caused, the day Obama announced the cancellation of the missile sites in Poland and the Czech Republic,, 17 September 2009, was the same day and month 70 years prior, (September 17th 1939), in which the Russians invaded Poland and subjected that country to Russian communist servitude for almost fifty years. Obama’s announced decision on that day of infamy for Poland is either complete incompetence on Obama’s part or was there something else going on?
Does anyone think that Obama’s betrayal of two U.S. allies in order to appease Putin just might be more dishonorable for Obama’s presidency, than fake news stories about the absurd and unproven declarations that Trump assisted the Russians hacking and that hacking caused Hillary to lose the presidential election?
That lousy fake news is just another portent of the panic our CLSM feels about the disarrayed Democrat Party’s frightened quest to use anything to disenfranchise Donald Trump’s presidency. But think back to 2009; do you remember weeks of our media ranting and calling-out Obama for his treachery in abandoning our allies and assisting Vladimir Putin’s quest for more power over them? No I didn’t think so.
When Trump calls out “Fake News” he has every reason to do so. How much more sedition is our media and the Democrat Party going to put forth. They seem so lost they just do not understand in doing so they are destroying themselves with the majority of America.
However, with Vladimir Putin so much in our news recently I believe it is important to learn more about this man. Let’s take a short look at Vladimir, just who is this guy and what is his background.
Vladimir Putin: He is the 4th President of Russia after the collapse of the Communists Soviet Union. Let’s review a little more of his background.
Putin’s background is the KGB. What is the KGB? The acronym KGB in Russian is “Komitet Gosudrstvenoy Bezopasnosti” have some fun trying to pronounce that one 10 times in succession; in English it stands for, The Committee for State Security.
The first state security organization in Russia, after their 1917 revolution, was formed in 1917 by Feliks Dzerzhinsky, a Polish revolutionary and a thoroughly evil man, working with Vladimir Lenin. It was called the “Cheka.” That name went through several iterations as the years went by from Cheka to NKVD, to OGPU, to NKGB, to MGB, to NKVD once more and in 1954 back to KGB. It is now FSB.
Putin served as an officer in the KGB from1975 to 1991. He served in the KGB’s 2nd Chief Directorate (counter intelligence) which is responsible for gathering information on foreign intelligence operations; spies attempting espionage on Russia.
Putin then progressed to serve in Communist Russia’s most secret and closely guarded agency, the KGB’S 1st Chief Directorate, its foreign intelligence arm, in other words espionage, running spies in other countries to obtain political, military or other information. In the 1st Chief Directorate he worked his way up to Colonel. The KGB‘s 1st Chief Directorate was also involved in its “Wet Work” in other words assassinations; as we have seen, Putin was and remains a thoroughly dangerous man.
Putin next served in the in the Communist East German Republic and worked directly with the Stassi (the Communist East German Ministry of State Security). The Stassi had a reputation at least as nasty as the KGB and with Putin ran very successful espionage operations against West Germany.
That makes Putin a heavy hitter in the espionage business and other alarming matters wouldn’t you say? Putin believes he is a very tough guy. He might be; Obama wasn’t.
In 1990 the Soviet Union collapses. As the KGB was being disbanded, Putin bailed out of that organization. Putin then became the Director of the Russian FSB. The FSB was the replacement for the KGB; same organization different name.
In mid-1999 the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, appointed Putin Prime Minister, even though Putin had never before held any high elective political office; then just a few months later, New Year’s Eve 1999, Yeltsin unexpectedly stepped down as President naming Putin acting President.
Startlingly, in March 2,000, Putin was elected President of Russia. Wow, in the space of about 10 months Putin goes from having no experience in any high political office to being appointed acting Prime Minister, then acting President and then is elected President of Russia. Can you believe it; Putin didn’t even stop along the way to become a “Community Organizer,” man that’s impressive.
Now many questions were asked about how those political elevations took place by many people in Russia, not many answers though, some political question can be very dangerous to ask in Putin’s Russia.
Since under the Russian constitution, Putin couldn’t serve two consecutive terms as president, he stepped down for his buddy Medvedev to become president for one term in 2008. Putin then became Russian Prime Minister. Putin then ran for president again and was elected as president once more in 2012. Now Medvedev is Prime Minister, sounds like musical chairs to me. As we have now seen Putin is once more elected President in 2018, is anyone surprised?
Let’s see to put that in a U.S. connotation, that would be like Obama being elected president and Bidden becomes Vice President, then next time Bidden being elected President and Obama becoming Vice President, then Obama being elected president, then Bidden becoming Vice President, then Obama being elected president then; ok ok thank God that nightmare could never happen in our country.
Putin, well what a fortunate guy, of course having that KGB background, all those intelligence/political connections and all that KGB information on Russian political people couldn’t hurt; not if a person is ruthless enough to use that information for any actions he desired, ya think? Vladimir Putin is a man who is intelligent, ruthless, and with his KGB background, very dangerous for those whom he dislikes, the U.K. attacks come to mind.
Now please stop and consider; if Putin is all of the above and everyone knows nothing happens politically in Russia without Putin’s approval, do we really believe Putin would authorize a hacking campaign to defeat Hillary Clinton in order to elect Donald Trump?
Hillary Clinton whose DNA makes the main challenge in her life the acquisition of money and power anyway she can, whomever and whatever she has to betray. Hillary Clinton who without a doubt would have continued Obama’s sinister weakening of American power. Hillary Clinton and the Democrats /Soros ideology that would have continued Obama’s task to “Fundamentally Transform America” which any clear thinking American now must know was just code for doing as much damage to traditional America and American power as possible while Obama had the power to do so. Under Obama America was beginning to sink, President Hillary’ policies would have pushed the flush button and Putin knew that.
In contrast, Donald Trump promised to build American power once more, including our industrial power, enhance our economic power and mightily build American military power. As American has seen, President Trump has done all of those and so much more; to “Make America Great Again.”
Now if Putin had to choose between Hillary and Trump becoming the President of the United States, based on Putin’s background and political desires, which one would be his choice? No gold stars for getting the obvious answer on that one.
Do we now start to understand how outrageous Special Counsel Robert Muller’s investigation actually is? An investigation politically designed to investigate a state of affairs that never existed. An investigation specifically intended to obstruct a lawfully elected president and to thwart what should be a lawful examination into genuine crimes and misdemeanors. As will be shown, soon I hope, Robert Muller has the reputation of being a politically corrupt man and is in charge of a corrupt phony investigation.
Oh by the way, how many times have I heard words like,” Comey is an honest and straight shooter,” “ Mueller is a great man, one we should all be proud to have in charge,” praise from those in the D.C. swamp. Now every time I hear words like those about D.C. swampers from D.C. swampers, I put my flak jacket and helmet on cause I know there will be incoming.
But let’s get back Obama and Putin.
Missile Defense: Years before being elected president Obama publicly told the world, “I don’t agree with missile defense systems.” WHY, what in the world is wrong with a defense against a catastrophic missile attack? Well maybe the below will shine a light on that question.
True to his beliefs, Obama went out of his way to cancel, weaken, and delay important parts of our missile defense systems and programs during his presidency. Please research this, as you will see it was just what Putin wanted; and as you will see, the Democrat Party and their media didn’t seem to care.
Here is a list (could be a partial list) of the missile defense systems/programs Obama has canceled, downgraded or delayed while he was president. Every one of these cancelations, downgrades or delays is just what Putin and the Russian military desired in order to weaken our countries missile defenses. Why would Obama try to satisfy Putin’s desire to reduce our missile defenses? Obama was really showing some love for Putin by acceding to the Russian demands; what would have happened if Trump and done the same?
• Obama cut 1.5 billion from the U. S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA).
• Obama cut Bush’s planned U.S. ground based interceptor (GBI) units from 44 to 30.
• Obama canceled the Defensive Missile Site Installations in Central Europe.
• Obama canceled the Multiple Kill Vehicle (MKV) program.
• Obama canceled the Medium Extended Air Defense (MEAD) system.
• Obama downgraded the Airborne Laser Program.
• Obama refused to pursue acquisition for the space based and kinetic energy interceptor system development.
• Obama canceled the Kinetic Energy Interceptor (KEI) program.
I am not going into the details on these programs. However they all existed or were planned to enhance our ability to defend the United States against missile attacks and were important to the ultimate missile defense of this country, if you want to more about them just Google them.
But ask yourselves just what the hell was Obama doing negotiating on missile defense in the first place? The ABM (Anti-Ballistic Missile) Treaty, a treaty from the Cold War had died years before. Why did Obama restart those negations with Putin again and then cave to Putin on missile defense? Our missile defense systems were superior to the Russians at that time. Why did Obama cater to Putin over such significant matters? Our CLSM never asked that question.
Obama’s New Start Treaty:
Then Obama once more got cozy with Putin and signed a new START Treaty (Strategic Arm Reduction Treaty) with Putin at a conference in Soul Korea. Even if a new treaty was needed, the way Obama constructed it was a strategic plus for Russia. Russian weapons had, since the Cold War ended, deteriorated rapidly and many of their weapons systems at that time needed to be trashed anyway. The Russians didn’t have the funds to modernize their weapons. Putin badly needed the U.S.to reduce ours.
Why would Obama cave to a thug like Putin on the missile defense of our country? If Trump had done that Trump would have been crucified by every media in our country, and for good reason. What did our media say about Obama, that’s right not a dammed thing; the other side of “Fake News.”
Obama’s new START Treaty with Putin was not good for the United States. It meant we were reducing our inventory of capable strategic arms. At the time Obama and Putin signed their new START Treaty, our weapons were still capable of doing the roles they were designed for. In 2018 we now see how far our strategic arms capability under Obama has deteriorated because of that treaty.
Reducing their strategic arms didn’t matter to Putin and the Russians, most of the Russian strategic arms arsenal didn’t work anymore anyway; it allowed them to get rid of that junk. The United States doing a major reduction of nuclear arms was a big plus for Putin and Russia. Russia has a weak economy. Putin’s Russia could not afford to modernize its strategic arms to catch up with the U.S.
The United States had an unqualified lead in technology over Russia. Russia had been trying for over thirty years to catch up with us. Why give any of that lead in offensive or defensive weapons away? Was Obama actually attempting to please Putin and diminishing the U.S. lead protecting our country? Well this exchange might give us a clue:
President Obama at the end of his meeting with the Russian Prime Minister Medvedev inadvertently spoke on an open mike and asked for “more flexibility” to deal with ongoing issues. The actual exchange went like this:
President Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly MISSILE DEFENSE, this can be solved but it’s important for him (Putin) to give me space.”
Prime Minister Medvedev: “Yeah I understand. I understand your message about space for you.”
President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more FLEXIBILITY.”
Prime Minister Medvedev: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir Putin.”
Prime Minister Medvedev: “I will stand with you.”
For God’s sake what was going on? Obama sounds like someone talking to a Mafia Capo, “Hey I’ll be able to do what you want soon, just give me a break, I need more flexibility.” What the hell is the President of the United States, the most powerful country in the dammed world, pleading and whining with some thug like Putin for? It sounds like Putin had some kind of power over Obama.
What was going on was Obama using weasel words to hide his willingness (weakness) to cave to Putin on our missile defense; Obama had no idea that mike was hot. No one can deny Obama and Putin were both attempting to weaken our missile defenses. Putin to enhance Russian military power; Obama perhaps to follow an agenda he was put in office to complete.
The next essential question is why our corrupt establishment media didn’t pursue this preposterous faux pau and make it a burning question on every news channel and newspaper in our country for weeks? Ok, Ok, we all know the answer to that.
However if Donald Trump had committed Obama’s reprehensible act in Soul Korea, the world would have fallen down upon his shoulders. It is not hard to think about what the Democrat Party would have raged and foamed at their mouths over, and what our CLSM would have avidly published; treason, coward, treachery, and they would have been correct, but since it was Barrack Obama, the silence was only disturbed by the crickets.
The Ukraine and Crimea:
On 18 March 2014 the Russian Army invaded the Ukraine’s Crimea. The Russians conducted a “referendum” in Crimea to justify that invasion. Their referendum was held at the point of ten thousand Russian troop’s bayonets, guess what the conclusion was?
The burning question was why Putin would approve that invasion of a sovereign nation? The Russian economy was not strong and the Russian military wasn’t either. Why did Putin think there would be no powerful international penalties imposed upon Russia?
The answer of course is the Presidency of Barrack Obama. From the beginning of his presidency in 2009, Obama with his apologizing for America tour of the Middle East, projected weakness.
Obama once more demonstrated his acquiescence to Putin’s demands and actions. That sign of weakness in the Ukraine, expanded Obama’s past international capitulations; Obama’s catastrophic pull out of all American military forces in Iraq (hello ISIS), Obama’s display of weakness in Syria, “Don’t Cross My Red Lines or their will be enormous consequences” and then nothing, and Obama’s momentous gaffe, “I will have more flexibility after the election” those words should have caused Obama’s impeachment.
By then Putin considered Obama a geo-political babe in diapers with not a strong political bone in his body regarding international policy and power. His invasion of the Ukraine and Crimea happened because Putin knew that Obama was too politically weak or Obama’s progressive ideology didn’t impel him to do anything of consequence to forestall him. Putin would not have attempted that invasion if a Trump, Regan or maybe even a Bush had been the American President.
And then of course Obama fell back on his usual power play his “sanctions” (otherwise known as CYA). Obama thundered that he was going to freeze all of the funds Russian Oligarchs, who supported Putin, had in the U.S. Well he did, but it took far too long for those sanctions to be put in place. I mean any “Russian Oligarch” who still had his funds in the U.S. by the time Obama’s sanctions went into effect was a pretty stupid Oligarch wouldn’t you say, and of course Obama had to know that, Obama obviously had no burning desire to really piss off Putin.
The inconsequential financial sanctions Obama applied to Putin’s Russia over the Crimea and the Ukraine were as usual not nearly strong enough to deter Putin from carrying on with his illegal power play. If Obama had really wanted to punish Putin’s Russia, those sanctions would have had some teeth, they would have bitten and hurt. They did not.
I seem to have heard some Senator named Schumer complain about Trumps weak sanctions, since that Senator feels so angry about weak sanctions it’s too bad, but telling, that Senator Schumer stayed in his corner bowed his head and kept his mouth shut about Obama’s weak sanctions.
But since Obama jumped in front of a mike and told the U.S. and the world he was all in a lather about the Russian Invasion of the Ukraine, what assistance did Obama provide to the Ukrainian government to help it combat the Russian invasion /occupation of the Crimea and the invasion of the eastern Ukraine?
Well by God Obama did provide some assistance, of a sort. Obama provided helmets and Meals Ready to Eat (MRE’s), for the Ukraine military. Why did Obama only provide an insulting response to the Ukraine’s requirements? The Ukrainian government’s military badly needed small arms, artillery, tanks and training. They had helmets and they probably threw the MRE’s away. And even with those paltry items, Obama would not allow them to be delivered by U.S. forces. Those items had to be delivered by U.S. forces to Poland and the Poles then trucked them into the Ukraine. What a geo-political disaster President Obama was.
In contrast President Trump has provided the Ukraine with the military armament assistance, military intelligence and the training that Obama refused to provide. The latest being Javelin missiles to deter Russian armor. Now that will make Putin rather upset and angry don’t you think?
Obama so often catered to Putin. Trump smacks Putin around when required, think about Trump’s missile attack on Assad and Putin’s Syrian air force base. Putin and Assad had crossed Trumps ‘RED LINE” and when they did Trump punished them. What did Obama do when Assad crossed Obama’s so called “RED LINE?” Obama cowered behind phony speeches and did NOTHING.
It was very obvious Obama never wanted to piss Putin off, not even a little bit. The question has always been why? I don’t know if we will ever find out the answer, well at least not with the faux CLSM journalists that currently inhabit our media who only have the ability to suck up the “Fake News” that is given to them to print and make speeches about.
The “Fake News” from our CLSM is forever attempting the lie that President Trump is catering to Russian President Putin. I hope the above information is brought to light and that the majority of Americans understand it was Obama who was some kind of captive to Putin or that assisting Putin was a part of the agenda Obama was put in office to complete.
The hypocrisy never ceases. Now a congratulatory telephone call from President Trump to President Putin on Putin’s election win is suddenly a disaster. The fact that was a normal and usual call from one head of state to another is now being used to slam our president. I will wager a lot of money that most of the heads of state, in other countries around the world made the same call. The fact that our last president, what was his name, oh that’s right President Obama, made that same call to President Putin on his last election victory has been wiped from all of our CLSM’s computers and evidently from their tiny minds as well, is just another slice of their hypocrisy.
My hope is that in the 8 years of Donald Trump’s presidency our country will once more become that shining city on the hill that it should be for the world; that it will again be the foremost nation ensuring peace and caring for world prosperity; once more encouraging our population to shout out “God Bless America.”
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