With millions of people from countries all around the world desperately trying to come to America any way they can, I simply cannot understand how so many people lucky enough to be born “AMERICAN” can hate America so passionately that they have become obsessed with destroying it! In past articles I have described these people as being members of the “Washington Cesspool”. The “Washington Cesspool” is filled with Democrats, RINO Republicans, Government bureaucrats, Government employees, the Main Stream Media, and everyone else who supports their efforts to control everything in America. They want to make everything be the way “they want it to be”. Much to the occupants of the “Washington Cesspool’s” dismay President Trump actually won the 2016 Presidential Election and then was sworn in as the 45 President of The United States of America! By the time he was sworn in he had become the absolute focal point for the “Washington Cesspool’s” hatred for America and our Constitution.
Newt Gingrich, in his new book, “Trump’s America” describes the ”America Haters” I am referring to as “The anti-Trump coalition”. He says that, “Some in this varied coalition of radicals, liberals, conservatives, and elites oppose Trump because they disagree with his vision for America, some oppose his personality, and some simply oppose America”. I have to agree with his assessment and also his belief that the members of this “coalition” are part of it for very different reasons, and are only united in their hatred. This is why they are so vulnerable. No matter how hard they try and how dishonest they are (criminal in many instances) they will continue to fail in their efforts to destroy the Trump Presidency.
The more President Trump accomplishes the more the “haters” become irrational:
- On Friday on HBO’s “Real Time” comedian Bill Maher “whined” about the country’s growing economy under President Trump, saying, “the only way to preserve our democracy is to “root for a recession”. I feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point. And by the way I am hoping for it”. He went on to say that he knew that would hurt Americans but it would be worth it! Note to Maher: We are a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.
- During an Introduction speech at the “Tony” awards show recently Robert De Niro instantly launched an “F” word shot at President Trump, and the crowd cheered! Disgusting! If you have not seen the pictures of his face when he did this, his eyes looked like a person that is literally overcome with hatred to the point of being unstable. Note to De Niro: Have you considered getting professional counseling?
- Nancy Pelosi has been reduced to making irrational, at times unintelligible, statements to the press about how bad the recent tax cuts were and how much damage they are doing to America! Note to Pelosi: Middle America could not possibly disagree with you more than they do now! Please continue to try and manage the Democrat’s message in the U.S. House of Representatives!
- Chuck Schumer cannot stay away from the Senate floor microphone. He goes to it regularly to make one ridiculous statement after another, to an empty Senate chamber! In the past he ranted about “Trump being a dangerous war monger who would cause a nuclear war with North Korea”. Now he loudly denigrates President Trump’s North Korea summit as a loser for America! On another day he literally had a melt down over the Supreme Court’s decision to let Ohio clean up its voter rolls. Note to Schumer: The only reason anyone would NOT want voter rolls to be accurate is THEY WANT TO BE ABLE TO COMMIT VOTER FRAUD! Please continue to try and manage the Democrats message in the U.S. Senate!
- The MSM is still loudly insisting that the Democrats are going to take over Washington in a “Blue Wave” on November 6, 2018! They are clearly obsessed with convincing Middle America that it will be a waste of time to go out and vote that day! Note to the MSM: That is not working!
Those of us that want the Trump Administration to “Make America Great Again” must stand up and support him in every election by electing people who want to be a part of THAT CHANGE!
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