A cold, calculating and deliberate international criminal, treason is her trade and “Traitor” is her name, a woman who has sabotaged the laws and principles of the United States of America that she swore to uphold. Some call her the “Butcher of Libya”. Whether she is undermining America’s national security through self-enriching corrupt uranium deals with Russia, making state secrets available to our enemies or arming Al Qaeda and other enemies of the United States, the anti-American radicals know her as Hillary Clinton.
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or adhering to their enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” – Article III Section 3 U.S. Constitution
A treacherous scheme started in 2005 between the Clintons, Frank Giustra – a Canadian mining tycoon and Kazakhstan’s dictator Nazarbayev – a murderer and slave trader, that netted the Clintons over $145 million dollars to their “Foundation” and transferred over 25% of all U.S. uranium output to Russia in 2009, and they increased Russia’s control through a 2010 deal between the Russian State Atomic Nuclear Agency (Rosatom) and Giustra and investors in Uranium One. As Secretary of State, Hillary was supposed to get pre-approval from the Obama administration on contributions to the Clinton Foundation from foreign governments and foreign government-owned businesses, but she broke this pledge often, jeopardizing America’s national security.
Russia and Rosatom have a record of supporting nuclear programs in countries that are openly hostile to the United States, such as Iran, North Korea and Venezuela. And now, America’s uranium could find its way to an Iranian or North Korean nuclear reactor and their weapons programs, thanks to Hillary and her brazen contempt for our nation’s interests and security. Hillary’s numerous other betrayals of America are even more ugly, despicable and reprehensible. No crime is beyond Hillary’s imagination.
An intelligence correspondent, Catherine Herridge recently reported on Fox News that Hillary specifically discussed “sources and methods” of the raid that killed 9/11 terrorist Osama Bin Laden, during a paid speech for a group of Canadian business leaders in November 2013. This was a clear violation of national security, and it resulted in te murders of some of our Middle East intelligence operatives.
Libya serves as a prime example of just how insignificant U.S. national security and American lives are to Hillary Clinton. At her strong insistence, America, European Union leaders and NATO falsely enacted the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine and attacked Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s dictator, ignoring the U.S. Congress and the UN Resolution against an offensive aimed at ousting Gaddafi, who had been a key counter-terrorism ally of the Bush administration. Gaddafi wasn’t killing innocent civilians, as alleged. He was killing the Islamofascists of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and other Al Qaeda groups attempting to overthrow his secular Baathist government; it is also important to note that the U.S. had restored diplomatic relations with Gaddafi in 2007.
Primarily, Obama, Hillary and President Sarkozy of France wanted Gaddafi gone, in order to save Lehman Brothers Bank from reimbursing Libya over $50 billion dollars Lehman lost in “investments”. They also wanted to block Gaddafi’s plan to counter the French franc and euro with a pan-African currency, which would have challenged Western currencies across North Africa, by seizing Gaddafi’s $7 billion dollars worth of gold and silver, and they wanted Libya’s oil to save the EU from Russia’s energy blackmail.
Hillary wasn’t motivated to save Libyan lives. It was pure despicable, malevolent greed motivating her, which makes the murders of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty all the more egregious and sickening, since the Libyan adventurist folly was unnecessary and not serving the U.S.’s best interests.
Not only did Hillary violate U.S. Code Section 2339A, 2339B and 2778, by arming the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – an affiliate of Al Qaeda that was still on the US State Department’s terror list at the time, she created a covert arms program that placed Stinger-7 missiles in the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Al Qaeda and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, arming the very terrorists who had already murdered thousands of Americans.
From 2010 to 2012, Hillary’s State Department brokered $165 billion worth of arms sales to 20 nations, many of them hostile to America to one degree or another, whose governments “donated” [delivered bribes] to the Clinton Foundation, according to the IB Times, and she authorized $151 billion in separate Pentagon deals for 16 other nations that also “donated” to her foundation. The kickbacks she received from Marc Turi’s $300 million illegal arms deal was nothing in comparison to the money she received from deals running the “rat-line” of weapons to America’s Islam-o-fascist enemies, that was funded by the anti-American Islamists of Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
On July 25th, 2012, according to sources in the U.S. Special Forces Command, and Lt General W.G. “Jerry” Boykin and General Michael Flynn, Taliban jihadists in Kunar province downed a U.S. Army CH-47 with a Stinger missile, identified by an entire serial number an ordnance disposal team found on an unexploded fragment of the missile casing. This Stinger was determined to be from the same lot sold to Qatar in early 2011 and the same weapons Hillary Clinton’s State Dept sent to the Libyan Islam-o-fascist terrorists.
The Department of Justice is currently counting its 30 pieces of silver, after announcing recently that they are dropping the 2011 charges against Marc Turi, Hillary’s arms broker, for falsely listing Qatar and the United Arab Emirates as the end users for the weapons that went to Libya in 2011. Obviously, Attorney General Loretta Lynch is once more covering for Obama and “Crooked” Hillary.
Last month, three members of the Libyan parliament representing tribes nearly destroyed by the Islam-o-fascists, before and after the coup that killed Gaddafi, called Hillary the “Butcher of Libya”. They charge that she did nothing to stop the Islamic militia’s “ethnic cleansing”/ murder of 250,000 Black Libyans of the Tawegha tribes and others, who supported Gaddafi.
Jaballah Al-Shibani stated: “Under Gaddafi women were free to be educated, women were not required to wear any special clothing and women were free to walk the streets … [Now] thousands of families [have been] destroyed … with women now living under Sharia law … Secretary Clinton orchestrated the plot with NATO that destroyed Libya for personal gain … Clinton and her group … aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood to control the oil fields and the oil revenue.”
Just as troubling, Hillary has had Huma Abedin as her top aide for years, even though Abedin was also working for the Muslim World League at the time, whose explicit goal is to conquer the West in the name of Islam, sympathizing with Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. A Muslim Brotherhood agent from an illustrious Muslim Brotherhood family, Abedin has been privy to an enormous wealth of information concerning strategy plans and operation details in the war on terror, which might explain how Ambassador Stevens’ secret trip to Benghazi was exposed to the terrorists.
Treason is burning bright in Hillary’s heart, as Americans have witnessed from her long record of reprehensible criminal acts and betrayals of America. Not only has she betrayed the U.S. to the evil, vile, militarily aggressive Ayatollahs of Iran and Russia’s Putin, but her actions as Secretary of State have already cost hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide, including American [U.S. Soldiers] lives. Her promises to secure America’s safety are empty. Her loyalties are not to America, but only to herself and her cronies, and this disqualifies her from becoming President of the United States.
Tags: 2016 election Hillary Clinton Treason
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