Donald Trump’s first year as President of the United States is coming to an end. Other than suffering through hundreds of ‘tweets’ most of our lives haven’t changed because we are working through the actions of the Obama Government. According to the new administration our lives are supposed to get better. We shall see.
Trump has now successfully passed his new tax plan. He states everyone will benefit from it because filing one’s tax returns will be easy and will leave us with more money in our pockets. We all know the wealthy and corporations will do well but he promises the tax breaks he gave these groups will invest more in our economy thus creating more and better paying jobs. I hope he is right but the future will tell.
For most of his first year Trump has been attempting to change our medical insurance programs. He states our present policies are over priced and do not do what they are supposed to do. He attempted to abolish the Affordable Care Act and promised to replace it with a better and more beautiful program that will help everyone. In his first year, he did fail to abolish Obama Care but successfully eliminated any chance it had to succeed. He is also in the process of weakening other social entitlement programs because he states the increase in our economy will make these programs unnecessary. Many in his government have stated too many of our citizens rely on these programs and by taking them away it will force them to take care of themselves. Even though Trump promised he would not change Medicare, Medicaid, or Social Security a target seems to have fallen on these programs. In fact, Susan Collins was promised the people of her state would not be adversely affected. The first year of Trump’s Administration has seen many promises go unfulfilled. I hope he is right but the future will tell.
Social issues will also be changing because of the changes Trump made during his first year of his Presidency. We haven’t felt any effect because we are still living under Obama’s social programs. This will be the first year we feel his executive orders of immigration, net neutrality rules, and other record breaking numbers of orders he signed in order to change everything the Obama Administration enacted. Programs like CHIP and DACA that used to be supported by both parties now have uncertain futures. This will be the year; Trump’s actions will be felt.
Trump’s Judiciary appointments will also direct how we live and what we believe in the next year. Rowe vs. Wade is under direct attack as is anti-discrimination laws protecting the weakest and different parts of our society will start feeling the affect of Trump’s base that wants to make some American’s great again. The ‘Me-Too’ movement, attempting to protect and empower women across our nation, will be weakened by Trump’s attack on our media and what his policies want us to believe. Maybe that will mean a more unified white conservative government for and by this segment of our society. We haven’t felt the affect of Trump’s actions concerning our society. It is Trump’s New Year and we shall see what we shall see.
Trumps trade and foreign policies will be felt next year because most of the treaties and agreements of our past are under attack. Many are being either ignored or rejected because Trump believes these are anti-American. His policies of, ‘America First’, will be felt by all of us. Some believe this is a good thing and will provide us with more security and prosperity. The future will tell and Trump should clearly understand he owns the New Year.
It has been a difficult two years for many of us. In the past, after the election, few of us concentrated on what was going on in our government unless it affected us personally. Ever since Donald Trump rode down the gold stairs in his golden tower cable news has been a staple must see TV. It is stressing many of us out and has not improved the quality of our lives. In the back of most of our minds we had an understanding we were still being governed under Obama’s Administration. This time has passed because this is now Trump’s New Year.
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