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“Happy Birthday Mr. President…”

Baby Boomers will recognize the title of this article as the steamy song sung by Marilyn Monroe to then-President Jack Kennedy.

I use it to illustrate that men of power, wealth, and fame are predisposed to thinking that they are deserving of beautiful women, like Jack Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump. After 36 years of helping victims of sex trafficking, domestic violence and human trafficking, I can testify that it is common to men in high positions to use and abuse women. That said, very few of these men have ever been relieved of their positions because of sexual indiscretions, but the Republican Party is thrilled to have one last chance to rid themselves of a candidate who doesn’t play by their rules, holding Mr. Trump’s indiscretions against him because it plays into their common cause.

No one is perfect. Donald Trump has many flaws, as we all do.

The question is not, “How can I vote for a man who objectifies women?” but, “How can I vote for a candidate who ignored 600 requests for more security in Benghazi, leading to the deaths of four Americans; a candidate who destroyed 33,000 emails which had been subpoenaed; a candidate who received and sent State Dept. emails on a private server, despite agreeing to use only Federally protected email service; a candidate whose private meetings during her tenure as Secretary of State received donations to her foundation from fully half of those with whom she met; a candidate who helped bring down a stable government after they had complied with US requests; and a candidate whose husband had a private meeting with the head of the DOJ while she was under investigation by the FBI?” If you choose Clinton or one of the alternative candidates, you aren’t taking the moral high ground.

Choose wisely, because the next President’s decisions will affect America for many times four years.


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