The left is losing the argument against guns again, this time after lying that more guns means more crime. But the facts show that gun crime is way up in the gun-controlled blue cities, not the red areas that have witnessed a surge in gun purchases.
According to John R. Lott’s Crime Prevention Research Center, the research shows that “murders in the U.S. are highly concentrated in tiny areas in the U.S.” and it is just getting worse.
Per the Washington Examiner:
The new report, shared with Secrets, showed that big cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C., are murder centers and that even in those cities, the areas where killings occur are growing more concentrated.
Lott’s report is all numbers and little editorial. It describes a nation that is seen on TV every night: shootings are common in cities.
“The worst 1% of counties (the worst 31 counties) have 21% of the population and 42% of the murders. The worst 2% of counties (62 counties) contain 31% of the population and 56% of the murders. The worst 5% of counties contain 47% of the population and account for 73% of murders. But even within those counties, the murders are very heavily concentrated in small areas,” he wrote of the 2020 numbers.Comparing years, he said that the concentration of murder in tiny areas of cities and counties has surged since 2010.
The murder map in the report looks like the map of the concentration of Democratic voters in the nation.
His top 10 list of murder areas included Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, New York City, Detroit, Baltimore, Dallas, Miami, and Washington
“Murder isn’t a nationwide problem. It’s a problem in a small set of urban areas and even in those counties murders are concentrated in small areas inside them, and any solution must reduce those murders,” the study said.
It is no surprise that only the nation’s big cities. It is where out culture has shattered, crime is ignored, and Democrats have made life unlivable.
Lott is right about something else, too. It’ll just get worse.
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