“There is not a crime, there is not a dodge, there is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” ―Joseph Pulitzer
Clinton Collapses from Prolonged, Secret Medical Condition
Hillary Clinton experienced a serious medical episode today, during a 9/11 memorial service at the World Trade Center. According to witnesses at the event, Ms. Clinton was already pale upon her arrival.
Having to leave early, around 9:30 AM, due to her illness, Ms. Clinton appeared to faint standing up. Her security detail thronged around her in an attempt to obscure the views of any onlookers. And she was thrown into the waiting van “like a side of beef,” according to the words of one law-enforcement official who was there.
Why the Secrecy?
Hillary Clinton has never released any medical records from the hospitals where she has been treated, due to several falls she has suffered in recent years. Indeed, she has been quite secretive. This year, Hillary has been having head-nodding tremors and experiencing Parkinsonian “freezes” at public events, the most public of which saw her face freeze into a bug-eyed, open-mouthed expression during the Democratic National Convention, with which Parkinson’s patients and caregivers will all readily express familiarity. Dr. Ted Noel, a medical doctor with 36 years of experience practicing medicine, has concluded from available video footage of Hillary that Ms. Clinton is very likely suffering from Parkinson’s Disease; he makes his case in a beyond-gripping sixteen-and-a-half minute YouTube video that every voter should watch.
In Hillary’s Case, Advanced Parkinson’s Appears Likely
Apparently, in its advanced stages, Parkinson’s is often accompanied by bouts of pneumonia, which is the medical diagnosis that Hillary Clinton blamed her 9/11 medical episode on. But, of course, Hillary Clinton will never admit to the larger issue of her probable suffering with advanced Parkinson’s. Dr. Ted Noel speculates that Ms. Clinton might have been suffering with Parkinson’s Disease for some time now, even posing the question as to whether her inability to take the Benghazi phone call, back on September 11th of 2012, may have been the result of her not being able to rouse herself from sleeping when the phone rang, which is a common side-effect of having Parkinson’s.
Will Kaine Have to Finish the Race for Hillary?
If Hillary Clinton cannot finish the presidential race, will Tim Kaine become the candidate tasked with winding up the campaign? Or, if Hillary manages to crawl across the finish line and actually win the election, will it eventually fall to Kaine to fulfill her term, due to her being too sick to serve, once she is elected? Hillary’s trademark dishonesty when it comes to her health could result in a swindle of sorts. Those who vote for Hillary, believing they are choosing a second Clinton presidency by voting for her, could wake up to find that they have been swindled, fraudulently getting Tim Kaine for their money instead of the person they had been promised.
And what about the Clinton-Foundation donors who gave mountains of pay-for-play cash to Hillary in return for political favors? Will Kaine fulfill Hillary’s corrupt favors to her criminal political donors? Or will Hillary’s deals become political hot potatoes, without having her around to inspire fear and to enforce the corrupt outcomes? It is a fair question. And it is this very question which probably gives insight into why Hillary persists in her campaign for the presidency, even though she likely suffers too much from advanced Parkinson’s Disease to really feel up to the experience. Alas! Hillary Clinton owes too much to too many not to continue running. And there is always the fact that, without the ability to give herself and her cronies presidential pardons, Hillary and Company could very well end up as guests of the federal prison system!
Tags: Hillary Clinton Tim Kaine
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