Our federal government is in organized and intended chaos, but President Trump is not to blame and I am not an apologist for the man. There are some people purposely entrenched within the bowels of bureaucracy who fight each and every attempt to restore civility and governance to Washington D.C. They sit at the desks within virtually every agency and within the offices of many of our representatives on Capitol Hill.
To describe him in the most kind terms, President Trump is blunt, curt, abrasive and even profane. He is direct and leaves little to question when he speaks. He refuses to adhere to the use of any foggy terms as dictated by political correctness. There are no subtleties about this man. He is as open and transparent as any person in the political arena because he is not a politician even though he is now the leader of the political U.S.
We recently experienced eight years of a president who ruled by edict, said one thing and did the opposite. He intentionally embedded subversives throughout the government to help him and his cabal destroy the American system. It reminds me of the Isley Brothers song from 1969…with slightly modified lyrics; “It’s your thing, do what you wanna do. I’ll just tell you who to sock it to.” And we saw that happen live when American citizens were assaulted by the IRS, the DOJ, NSA, FBI, EPA, HUD, BLM, DHS and many of the other agencies and departments under Obama’s tenure and purview. Fortunately, because of the way much of the oppression was enacted, it can also be rescinded by similar action and Trump has already reversed many of those abusive executive actions.
I wrote some years back that President Obama, by using executive orders and memos, was setting up within the government situations that would take decades to unwind. Obamacare is but one example. By suckering the ignorant mass population into a scheme that would, and has, forced and enveloped them in a cistern from which there is no easy return, Obama set the stage for ongoing congressional pugilism. Some of the people have an entitlement and now believe it is their right. Thus, you cannot take it away from them. Dismantling the PPACA is now at least a five year battle and, other than removing the mandated tax penalty, nothing has been done to terminate it. Nothing about the costly act provides health care to the individuals who need it most. It only costs those who can barely afford care far more.
WOTUS (Waters of the United States) is another example. When a rancher is fined for collecting runoff from his rooftop in a barrel or other vessel or utilizing the water from a collective depression on his land as drinking water for his livestock, we are well under way to a communist state where the government owns and controls everything and hurts you if you try to act normal.
Yes, there is some turmoil within the White House. To identify and replace the operatives put in place to cause harm by anarchy is not a two day job. They are deceitful and difficult to pinpoint; it will take a while. Even some of those who professed to be on the side of right and good snuck in through the back door during the transition.
It may take the full four year term to overcome the Alinsky playbook set in place over the past eight years. It may even take longer. I’m personally convinced, however, that Trump will do his best to set the country back on the right course. He has done much in the past year and may yet erase the damage done by the radical Marxist/socialist that preceded him who continues to throw stones and build blockades.
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