By now it is common knowledge that social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have been using their platforms for social engineering and election influence. Two years ago I left Facebook and all my net friends there because as an economic conservative and social moderate I just couldn’t tolerate the level of censorship I witnessed there on a regular basis. Seeking another alternative I moved my Punch and Judy show over to Google+. Google+ has a much smaller audience than either Facebook or Twitter as they arrived rather late in the game and as they were relatively new and seeing more users I assumed they would be a lot less likely to be involved in censorship and social engineering than my former net hangout.
And I was right at least at first. For the most part and with very few exceptions I can post whatever the hell I wanna post on Google+ and that, in a free society, is exactly the way it should be. However recently that has changed.
As far as I know I run the biggest pro Trump site on Google+ called “The Trump News Network” with more than 2,300 followers and almost 16 million views to date. For the last several months the number of views we have received from Google+ viewers has averaged about 1 million new views every 7-8 days but that all changed at the start of the Republican Convention more than 2 weeks ago. Since the convention our views have dropped by more than half and this as the GOP convention was just starting and people were hungry for anything Trump related and our followers have increased. To date (8/2/2016) we have still not seen 1 million more views since the GOP convention began.
Of course I find this outrageous. This has limited my pages reach considerably and is clear and present evidence that Google+ is no different than Facebook or Twitter. The bigger issue is where else can people go? Every time a social site opens it appears to be opened by people and groups who lean sharply to the left. The internet has become a social totalitarian nightmare with each social media site involved in practices that are absolutely UN-American. Is it little wonder why people in America have begun to assault the Constitution and social justice warriors (so called) have assaulted the First Amendment which of course demands that the Federal Government protect the inalienable right of freedom of speech and expression.
In truth unless you want to be a part of a social media site whose users are non existent there is no alternative other than sites controlled by leftists. This implies some frightening things about our countries future as the users of these sites are slowly and gently programmed to accept social totalitarianism and reject the ideals that made the U.S.A. in the first place.
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