Fox News has hurt its brand by the overbearing Trump supporting Anchors. From Judge Janine to Bill O’Reilly, and from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business channel to Sean Hannity, Americans have seen the deterioration of the only known Conservative channel for the support of one out of 18 candidates for President.
Just recently Americans have listened to Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Channel accuse Evan McMullin and Mitt Romney as being part of some type of Mormon Mafia. Viewers have been sentenced to long diatribes by Sean Hannity that the #neverTrump voters are the reason Donald will lose, and non-supporters had to listen to Judge Janine and Bill O’Reilly talk with Trump, and his family members like there were royalty in their blood line.
While the anchors belittle non-supporters of Donald and his antics of late, Fox News is losing viewership to CNN and even the once thought as defunct MSNBC 24 hour news broadcasts. CNN marks spetember is the 19th straignt month at being #1 for CNN Politics. In september, CNN beat all competitiors in all venues to be #1. This has definitively shown that Fox news has lost a huge amount of audience due to what seems to many to be Trumpmania.
In August of 2016, the ratings put MSNBC finishing number 2 in total Prime-Time viewership. The network also defeated CNN in mornings when it came to total viewers, and delivered solid growth across multiple dayparts. The largest gain in viewership non-fox was Rachel Maddow of the MSNBC News, with Chris Matthews having susbstantial increases.
In a surprising development, it looks like CNN has knocked Fox News from it’s enormous pedestal in the ratings game! This is happening more and more over th
e last several months and many people are pointing to Fox News’ unrelenting pro-Trump line-up for the falling numbers. Sean Hannity, Eric Bolling, Judge Janine, and Bill O’Reilly have all been accused of coddling The Donald while going after his competitors. And that just doesn’t make for interesting television.
The Roger Aisles issue which came to light with Gretchen Carlson, spread to Greta Van Sustern, Andrea Tantaros, and other Fox personalities,while it came to light Aisles was going to assist Trump. Fox desperately brought the cardigan out of mothballs and had Brit Hume bring a “new and serious analysis of the political scene”
Breitbart, a not so trustworthy news site yesterday reported that Megyn Kelley was looking for new furtil ground and Mark Levin states ““She is auditioning, in my opinion, for a bigger forum,” he added. “That’s not exactly a state secret, whether it’s ‘Good Morning America’ or the ‘Today Show’ or even CNN — and a huge payday.”
Now we see Fox is imploding in the social media, and comparison between CNN and FOX.
What did the FOX say? Trump Trump Trump
Tags: Bill O'Reilly CNN fox news
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