Fox News is proving to be the only reliable source of news in the mainstream media. How? By being willing to criticize the White House, while also being willing to praise the White House when appropriate.
Over the weekend, Fox News host Chris Wallace was (unfairly) taking the White House to task for not properly addressing Russia’s attacks on our electoral process.
This line of questioning shocked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo who pointed out that the Trump administration had been far tougher on Russia than the Obama administration was.
This didn’t matter to Wallace, who seemed to be arguing that yelling at Putin for being devious was more important than actually working to thwart Russia’s schemes.
Pompeo wasn’t impressed as he knocked down most of Wallace’s straw man arguments.
Chris Wallace: Why doesn’t the president get tough with Putin about what everyone seems to agree is clear, meddling in 2016 and the threat of meddling in 2020?
Mike Pompeo: Chris, this administration has been tougher on Russia than any of his predecessor administrations. I could go through the list but there’s not time in the show to talk about all the things we’ve done. Largest defense buildup, our new — I mean, the list is long, Chris.
And so for you to suggest that somehow we haven’t taken election interference seriously, we do. We continue to work on it. We continue to make sure that every election is as safe as it can possibly be. The Department of Homeland Security, the intelligence agencies are all working to not only ensure that 2018 was successful — we were — and that 2020 will continue to be successful.
We take seriously the threat of election interference from every country, Russia included…
The administration that has been tougher on Russia than any of its predecessors and yet you continue to be fixated on something that Robert Mueller wrote down…
I talk to leaders all the time. We cover a broad range of subjects. Sometimes conversations just aren’t long enough to cover every issue that might be broad up. I’ll let the White House talk to what the president actually said in the set of remarks.
But no one should misunderstand from your question today. Your viewers should not be misled. This administration has taken seriously the threat of election interference and we’ll continue to do so.
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