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It’s a worrisome time to be a Donald Trump supporter who cares about beating back the evil forces of globalism. Steve Bannon was our chief defender in the White House, and his ally Sebastian Gorka was the chief spokesperson for the anti-globalist cause… now both men have been unceremoniously discarded.

The message is clear, the anti-globalists are not welcome in the Establishment’s Washington, D.C.

Gorka told Breitbart that while there is reason for concern, the anti-globalist right must stay unified and active:

That’s MAGA. That’s what Making America Great Again really means. And unfortunately, I don’t really want to go into the palace intrigue stuff because we’ve had too much of that. But the fact is the forces of MAGA, the Make America Great Again forces the policy people like Steve Bannon–my old boss inside the White House–have been systematically undermined, many of them fired from the NSC [National Security Council]. 

I realized after the president’s speech on Afghanistan this week that he’s not being well-served. That speech was written by people for the president in direct contravention of everything that we voted for on November 8. 

It is not clear why we’re in Afghanistan, it doesn’t explain why we’re going to continue to potentially expend American lives and American money in that nation, and the most important thing, Matt, it didn’t mention once–once–the phrase ‘radical Islam’ or ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’ 

Just think back to how massive a difference that is to the speech the president gave to a joint session of Congress at the beginning of the year. So I decided, just as with Steve, we can be far more effective for the president on the outside and it’s a very exciting day for me and my family, to start again supporting the MAGA message as private citizens.

Of course, the Globalist forces within the administration disagree with Gorka’s perspective. On Sunday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson disagreed with almost everything that Gorka had to say:

I think he’s completely wrong, Chris. And I think it shows a lack of understanding of the president’s broader policy when it comes to protecting Americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism. Terrorism, as we’ve said, manifests itself in many types of organization.

The president has charged us to develop policies and tactics both diplomatically and militarily to attack terrorism in as many forms, wherever it exists in the world and wherever it might present a threat to the homeland or to Americans anywhere. This means that we have to develop techniques that are global in their nature. All we want is to ensure that terrorists do not have the capability to organize and carry out attacks.

Chris Wallace: So, what you make of this division between America Firsters and so-called globalists?

Rex Tillerson: I don’t see any division, Chris. I think it’s a question of tactics and how you achieve those objectives. I think the president has been clear in his speech in Afghanistan that we are not undertaking nation-building.

So, we will be shifting our diplomatic and aid and development programs as well to coincide with the president’s view that the Afghan government and that Afghan people must own their form of government. And they must come to some reconciliation with all ethnic groups, including the Taliban, as to how they can secure their country, as a peaceful country, one that does not support terrorism, does not provide safe havens for terrorists and does not align itself with any terrorist organizations or countries that do. That’s what winning looks like.

The truth is that the anti-globalist forces are on the ropes and the establishment has clawed its way back into power in the White House. President Trump may still lean towards the old “Make America Great Again” direction, but he no longer has the advisors around him helping him to accomplish the things he says he wants to get done. The President must realize that the people he has gathered around him now are working for the same forces that the president used to rail against when he was out on the campaign trail.

The forces of MAGA are down, hopefully they’re not out.

iPatriot Contributers


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