On this special day of remembrance and dedication, we must, as a Nation and as individuals, not let ourselves stray from the original intentions of those that have set the foundation, those who have fought and died for its’ continuance, and those who have lost much, for this Democracy that we cherish. Remember that ” … many have given more … ” to ensure our future. We must not allow their sacrifices to be forgotten nor put aside.
We have a leadership now in Washington D.C. that is trying to turn around our vision. We have strayed from the original intentions of our Founders. God help us to restore our Government to that which we have held dear over the Centuries. Let us strive to get behind the leadership of our Nation. We may not always agree with them, but we must remember they speak and act with and for the entire Country.
President Trump embodies more compassion than half of the Democratic Party put together. His outward religious demeanor certainly does not mirror that of President Carter, but he shows his love and empathy with his actions.
I believe he has surprised many with his accomplishments and steadfast energy in keeping to his promises. He is dealing with a stubborn, immature establishment in Washington D.C. But I admire his control and ability to maintain a forward and steady ship. As long as he stays at the helm, America will come back to the once great Democratic Republic as intended by our Founders.
It (the transition) has been a bumpy road with upheavals and discord within the Government. We must understand and be patient with the transition of powers. We must realize that this transition is not like most that our land has experienced. We do not merely have a change in policy, a change in party, or a change in faces; we have a change in the very fabric of Government. Previously we experienced Government along Party lines, and a constant division in the Legislative Branch. This became so fierce that it has seriously disrupted our Constitutionally based Government.
With the new Administration, under President Trump, we are seeing a leadership comprised of men and women who are recognized and lauded as the top echelon of their field, not those appointed for political “payback” or personal reasons; but folks dedicated to their position and their Country, not necessarily to their party or themselves. They have a grasp on the area of their responsibility and a knowledge of it that is equal to, or surpassing, others.
It is difficult for the Nation, as it is for the World itself, to accustom themselves to this new form of leadership. I have faith in the human factor to adjust to and embrace the change. It is not a matter of an about face, but more a matter of ” …. wait a minute, where and when did we turn this way? …. ”
President Trump is facing adversity from those who fight change with a fear of the unknown, and those who wish to change our way of life in America.
I am confident he and his chosen staff of individuals and department heads, will stand tall against the wave of dissension from the Liberal Left, and staunch Democratic Party members; a section of our current Citizenry that has not a clear understanding nor conception of a Democratic Republic.
Our National demeanor has shifted to a very selfish attitude. It is no more ” … all for one and one for all … “; it has become an “ all for me and to hell with all” attitude.
Now it is the time to take that “turn” and get back to adhering to the Constitution. Too often the interpretation of this revered document has been manipulated to suit individuals and organizations. It is time to relate the words to and for the people of the United States of America, and what they desire.
God Bless us all.
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