In what may prove to be the first of many deaths of US agents exposed by Hillary Clinton’s unsecured private email server, a US spy was hanged by Iran yesterday. Iranian academic Shahram Amiri, who gave information to the U.S. about Iran’s nuclear program, was executed after three emails leaked from the server discussed him. The emails were between senior Clinton staffers, and referred to the US spy as “our friend.”
This certainly puts the lie to Hillary’s repeated statements, already refuted by the Director of the FBI, that no classified material was sent through her server. If they were not aware that the material was classified, why did they use coded phrasing instead of our agent’s name in the emails?
Amiri was reportedly paid $5 Million by the CIA to monitor Iran’s nuclear weapons development program. While $5 Million is a lot of money, it is certainly not worth one’s life. I would like to think that his conscience also motivated him; that he did not want to see the evil men who run his country perfect their nuclear bomb. In any case, Amiri expected – and had the right to expect – that his secret activities on behalf of the US were kept secret. But the US – in the form of its former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton – failed him. And now he is dead.
While there is no definitive proof that the three leaked emails that mentioned him were the direct cause of Amiri’s execution, it is certain that Hillary’s gross negligence and violation of National Security regulations compromised both US security and exposed US agents to danger. But the fact that Iran executed our agent within days of Hillary’s emails being leaked seems to be too closely linked to be a coincidence.
If Hillary has a conscience, I hope it keeps her up tonight and for many nights to come. I hope she thinks about this brave man’s terrible death, and about his mother, his wife, and his children. I hope she finally understands the human cost of her overwhelming ambition.
NOTE: This article was originally published on
Tags: Hillary
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