The FDA attempted to take 55 years to release documents revealing what is in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, but now a federal judge has ordered the agency to drop its slow walking plans and is demanding that the agency release the documents in eight months.
If these vaccines are so wonderful and safe, why is the Biden administration seeking to delay the release of the Pfizer vaccine’s ingredients for fifty-five years?
You read that right, folks. Biden’s Food and Drug Administration wanted a 55-year delay of the release of the documents telling us what stuff inside those “safe” vaccines, or until most of us living today are dead — which could be sooner rather than later at the rate things are going.
The FDA applied to a court that handles Freedom of Information requests asking to allow it to release only 500 pages of its documents a month. And at over 400,000 pages of information in its hands concerning the Pfizer vax, that would take 55 years to release them all.
The agency claims that the purposeful trickling of compliance with the FOIA requirements would give it the proper time to black out and refuse to release the most sensitive stuff about the vax, Just The News reported.
But now, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth, Texas, wants to speed that release up, but a LOT, too!
Judge Pittman says that releasing the ingredients of the vaccine is of “paramount public importance.”
Per Reuters:
While Pittman recognized “the ‘unduly burdensome’ challenges that this FOIA request may present to the FDA,” in his four-page order, he resoundingly rejected the agency’s suggested schedule.
Rather than producing 500 pages a month — the FDA’s proposed timeline — he ordered the agency to turn over 55,000 a month. That means all the Pfizer vaccine data should be public by the end of the summer rather than, say, the year 2097.
Again, if these drugs are so safe, why did they want to delay releasing it for so long?
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Tags: coronavirus COVID FDA Vaccine
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