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It is relatively easy to spot Fake News in the Main Stream Media.  In the fall and decline of the globalist media empire, its fake news is now anticipated on a daily basis.  Simultaneously, the news of the well-known alternative right – Infowars, Drudge, Breitbart – is almost always considered reliable.

But there are more sinister media sources out there who are anti-Trump.  These professionals are not as easy to discern but are just as damaging.  They cleverly, expertly, routinely, work inside a deceptive mask of “Alt-Right News” when they are actually propagating long-established confusionist propaganda technique.

The mind-controlling genre of specialized confusionist propaganda hearkens back to the 1930s – the heyday of confusionist propaganda.  It was also a time of the New Deal and of Wall Street and banker control.  Propaganda designed to confuse during the FDR and Obama New Deals still linger with negative effects on Trump, which President Trump cannot overlook, once he has conquered MSM.

Chronically and consistently mixing truth with error, advancing believable slander in this way, the site of Dr. Henry Makow in Marxist Canada is one such source.  Posing as credible Alt Right, anti-Trump material is found here:

In Makow’s propaganda article, “Election 2016 Follows Communist Blueprint,” Makow slanders:

“Trump’s role is to get Clinton elected.   He will do this by splitting the GOP in the same way that Theodore Roosevelt got Woodrow Wilson elected in 1912. Trump’s role is to discredit and disillusion his followers in the same way Hitler did in World War Two. Do you really think this billionaire is going to tame the one percent? He is one of them. His job is to ‘freeze, personalize and polarize.’ Even if he were sincere, there is no way he could actually win with all the media aligned against him.”
Ridiculous, isn’t it.  Yet it was strongly supportive of the failed effort of mainstream media – CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, Fox, Washington Times, New York Times – with its outright character assassination and smear campaign.  The fake Alt Right attempt at self-fulfilling prophecy, to discredit Trump and help bring his failed election, failed miserably.  President Trump, take note!
(Where there is partial truth in the above can be found in the Trump Administration appointments of Masonic politicians such as Gov. Terry Branstad of Iowa.  What appears to be a momentary appeasement of the pervasive Masonic control over American government, may either not pass Senate confirmation hearings – as originally intended – or may be easy dismissals as Rahm Emanuel was under Obama.)
 What other fake news pretending to be Alt Right is out there?  Let us hear from you in the Comments below!  It takes persistent efforts of We The People to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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