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Most of us who comment or publish anything to the right of center have discriminated against by the recent war on freedom of speech by the self proclaimed corporate masters of the media universe, led by the most funded of mainstream media as well as the internet giants like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and now Disqus.

We are being penalized for promoting excellence and patriotism, for believing that always striving to be better than the best will achieve more long term progress for society, country and world than compromising best and worst of all aspects of society to satisfy the Marxist/globalist ideal — the global mean.

So that excellence, instead of mediocrity, once again becomes the objective, we must remove certain obstacles from the path of freedom of speech, individually, not through regulation, but through boycott. Hence I am asking all publishers to the right of center to abandon Disqus, Google and Twitter and adopt Vuukle, DuckDuckGo and Gab, even though not as polished, yet.

And obviously I am writing this open letter in IPatriot so that it takes the initiative.

But it is not enough to adopt alternative platforms. We must provide the best articles, commentary and debate. No more Alinsky ad hominems or other lazy tactics. We should try to make each opinion and each counter opinion better than the last.

I hold that socialism can only be destroyed through transparency — that Marxism (“scientific socialism) is a flawed and debunked theory that, in practice, only benefits the ruling elite in the short run and fails miserably for everyone over the long run.

Censoring will not work. Socialism’s flaws must be criticized continually and in debate, so that everyone can see the superiority of reason over whim, not only in physical reality but in the construct of social interaction.

To compromise between best and worst (“scientific socialism”) is the perfect formula for the existential threat to humanity that has not yet been brought about by nuclear bombs or meteors.

iPatriot Contributers


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