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Thomas Aquinas and Dante, though contemporaries, were worlds apart in their thought. Among the great centuries the 13th is not the least conspicuous. It was big with creative forces of the highest quality in art, poetry, statesmanship, and philosophy. The materials which men worked were, according to our modern ideas, meagre enough, but the genius of the workers was of the first rank.

Francis of Assissi, Giotto, Roger Bacon, Dante and Thomas of Aquino, whose mind is not excelled in philosophy. During this period there was a mental unity which Europe had not known before and has failed to attain since. There was one universally recognized Church, one accepted philosophy, one language familiar to all learned men; in short, a European mind, an international consciousness. In this foundation, Thomas and Dante were united.

A reason, perhaps the main reason, for the final three months of the silence of Saint Thomas Aquinas, following his supernatural encounter with Jesus Christ, is revealed by Charles Allen Dinsmore in his “Life of Dante.” Dinsmore writes, “The medieval man believed himself to have by spiritual intuition direct commerce with the Unseen; that substantial word ‘knowledge’ he would not have surrendered to the scientist. It is God who can be known with certainty, but nature is cloudy stuff. Nature was too inconsequential to engage his interest for long. Only man and his destiny were deemed worthy of serious contemplation, and theology the one science worthwhile.”

It appears the high point in the life of Saint Thomas, three months before his passing, was also his highest point as medieval man: “To have by spiritual intuition direct commerce with the Unseen.” And by writing no more from that point, he showed his was truly fulfilled, as European Catholic and medieval man. It appears a legacy, a strong message and a primary example Saint Thomas Aquinas wanted to share with others.

If T.S. Eliot is to be taken seriously when he says, “The way forward is the way back,” then tragically liberalized, naturalized and secularized Europe, in this 21st century, needs to be saturated with books of this 13th century mindset! Is it too late? Are the annihilation of nations, due to the athestic Trotkyite Marxist multicultural mindset, inevitable? Will the gates of hell finally prevail in Europe? Or can such books and materials quickly train Europeans – in schools, churches, home study, online courses, conferences – to regain their precious 13th century mindset? For the remnant non-Marxist clergy in Europe, it’s time to roll up their sleeves and get to work!

Otherwise a Nietzschean transvaluation of values is lurking with the imminent threat of Sharia Law and the darkness of muslim anti-Christian culture…  The other alternative is a Masonic syncretism with Christianity and Islam, frought with all the dangers and fragility of a Kissinger peace treaty, as true Christianity and Islam are always irreconcilable.  (See on YouTube how Allah is literally Satan, as proven by scholars as well as former muslims.)


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