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Encroachment of Government –  Part 1

In my previous series of articles, I spoke often of the term ‘sustainable development’.  This is a term that we will be hearing a lot about in the future as we drift towards a one-world government.  We are seeing a lot of this creeping into our lives in the form of ‘local’ development programs.  I think if we all look back through our lives we will see things have been allowed to be integrated into our culture for the purpose of this so-called community betterment.  Most of these things have been integrated for the purpose of eventually gaining total control of people.  Here’s an example.  Our Bill of Rights gives us the freedom to keep and bear arms, but many States have taken that right away for the ‘safety of the masses’.  We see the unfortunate results of this idiocy in the most dangerous places in the country, Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C. almost anywhere in California have not allowed the people to keep and bear arms without massive regulations in obtaining a license or permit. There is, in my opinion, a grave problem with this conduct by the State.  A court decision in Pennsylvania in 1943, Murdock v. Pennsylvania1, it was determined that “No state shall convert a liberty into a license and charge a fee therefore.” We, as the American people, have the right to fight against the violation of our rights. John Jay stated: “Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the Constitution of his country. … By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.”  This was confirmed in Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 2622, “If the State converts a right (liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right (liberty) with impunity.” Several of our Founders have declared that if a law violates the Constitution it is not just our right but our duty to ignore it.  But our Constitution is no longer taught in our schools, our Founders are not discussed in depth other than the fact that some owned slaves making them insignificant in our politically correct society and to today’s school kids.  Even our elected politicians do not know the Constitution.

I stated all of that to point out that our government today believes that the government is in need of controlling the population forgetting completely that our government is of the people, by the people, and for the people.  The government answers to us, we don’t answer to them.  This, also, is not taught in schools either which means we have at least two and probably three generations that have been taught that the government is in control over all we do.

This brings me to the subject of something that has started to become commonplace and that is a thing called a smart meter.  These are proving to be just as dangerous as GMO products.  Even though our ‘governmental’ agencies say they are safe, as they have the GMO products, it seems ALL outside research evidence proves the opposite.  “The Board of the AAEM opposes the installation of smart meters in homes and schools based on the scientific assessment of the current medical literature. The current medical literature raises credible questions about genetic and cellular effects, hormonal effects, male fertility, blood/brain barrier damage and increased risk of certain types of cancers from RF or ELF levels similar to those emitted from smart meters. The Board of AAEM finds it unacceptable from a public health standpoint to implement this technology until these serious medical concerns are resolved. We consider a moratorium on the installation of wireless smart meters to be an issue of the highest importance.”

Dr. Magda Havas, Assoc. Prof. of Environmental Resource Studies at Trent University (Canada) who does research on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation has served as an expert witness in both Canada and the U.S. regarding health effects associated with electromagnetic exposure wrote on October 12, 2010 that growing numbers in population are experiencing severe migraines, fatigue, weakness, inability to make decisions, loss of hair, pain in muscles and in the heart region, breathlessness, sexual problems and even a decrease in lactation in nursing mothers.

Olle Johansson, Assoc. Prof. Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, wrote to the California Public Utilities Commission, July 9, 2011:

“Many smart meters are close to beds, kitchens, playrooms and similar locations. These wireless systems are never off, and the exposure is not voluntary.

 “…It is becoming more and more obvious that exposure to electromagnetic fields may result in highly unwanted health effects. This has been demonstrated in a very large number of studies and includes cellular DNA-damage (which may lead to initiation of cancer as well as mutations that carry down generations), disruptions and alterations of cellular functions like increases in intracellular stimulatory pathways and calcium handling, disruption of tissue structures like the blood-brain barrier.” 3  With studies coming up with results like this and the government ignore it is nothing less than an attack on the American people by its government.  This article continues with this disturbing information: “System Subjective Complaints: exhaustion, lack of energy, daytime tiredness, quick tiring under stress, constriction of physical and mental ability, concentration and memory decline, cardiac pain, heart racing, weakness of concentration, headaches, lightheadedness.”

Also, from the cited paper above: “Animals and plants are also very negatively influenced by this high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. In the case of cows, reduction of the milk yield and malformed offspring have been proven. Graver for humankind could be the death of bees observed everywhere due to the electro-smog contaminated environment. When the bees are dead, people not only have no more honey but also no more fruit, because pollination of the flowers is impossible without bees. Humankind stands today before an important decision.” 4

Some have stated that there is a similar problem with EMR from cell phones but there is a big difference.  A person can choose to use a cell phone or not.  There are many places in America where they will cut your power off if you don’t allow a smart meter to be installed on your house. This is an infringement of not just our personal but property rights as well.  The negative effects of the smart meter should outweigh the benefits but when money is involved that seems to be the only real consideration.  The health problems caused by microwaves and AMI Smart Meters is known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or what the medical profession labels idiopathy environmental intolerance (IEI).

Did you know there are six basic AMI SMs sold in the USA, which is manufactured by Landys + Gyr, Itron, Sensus, GE, Elster, and Echelon, and manufacturers set the levels of radiation the meter emits?

According to Oram Miller, Certified Building Biology Environmental Consultant, and Electromagnetic Radiation Expert, the Itron AMI Smart Meter sends out the ‘less strong waves’ of the six meters listed above. Miller claims other AMI SMs are set just below the safety levels which, according to him, are high for body chemistry. Human blood cells exposed to microwaves viewed under a dark field microscope exhibit what’s called rouleaux formation [1].

What brand meter is on your utility service?

Mr. Miller says EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) have been present in our environment for a century now; they result from the electrification of appliances, etc. You can measure them with a “trifold meter.” 5

We must be constantly on the lookout for the intrusion of the government into our rights and our lives.

Foot Notes



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