Remember when Barack Hussein Obama could do no wrong? I do, because it wasn’t too long ago. For eight long years we on the right suffered as Obama did whatever he pleased. And during this time there was not a single disparaging word from left.
But on January 21st, 2017, everything changed.
For a period, Obama vanished – went off to one after another vacation. But these weren’t just any old outings. These were luxury vacations with billionaires and beautiful people, in far-away places you or I could not hope to go.
But that’s not the only thing that changed on January 21st – the day after Trump was inaugurated. That date mark the start of a new campaign season.
I know what you’re thinking and probably saying out loud. We just finished. Can’t we get a break already? No – no we can’t. You might also be thinking that the 2018 midterms are still a ways away. Why do they need to begin so early?
While I agree and share any and all bemoanings of living through yet an election season, it’s not the midterms of which I speak. When I say election season has already begun, I’m talking about the 2020 Presidential election. Yes – it has already begun, and one sure-to-be candidate is doing her best to stand out from the tribe.
The ever vocal and always idiotic Elizabeth Warren has begun her bid to unseat the Trumpster in 2020, and one of her first volleys is not against Trump, but against the previous occupant of the oval office, Obama.
The Washington Times reports that, “Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren says she is ‘troubled’ by former President Barack Obama’s decision to give a Wall Street speech for $400,000 this year.”
In a recent radio interview, Lie-Awatha Warren discussed her latest masterpiece – a book entitled, “This is our Fight.” In it she describes the money in politics – like that of Obama’s speaking fee, as “a snake that slithers through Washington’ and ‘ultimately threatens democracy.’” That some deep thought there. If only we were a democracy.
This is unheard of – unprecedented. I believe this may possibly be the first time a leftist has called out “The One,” which of course makes it unprecedented. So why on Earth has Warren chosen to do it? Simple. She must find a way to separate herself from the previous administration – to chart her own path – to pitch her own Wikiup, independent of the Democrat old guard.
Since Obama is already a leftist radical, Fauxcahontas is stuck. She knows she can’t move right, so the only place to go is to move even further left. This would be difficult to do, as Obama is already on the fringe. Her only shot is to move Obama to the right, clearing the way for her to grab the communist baton.
In the interview, Warren adds that, “The rich and powerful, they got money and they got power. That’s the definition. But you know, there’s more of us than there is of them.” She does not however, mention in the book, nor anywhere else, that of the 541 Senators and representatives in Washington, she is ranked as the 76th richest, and that her primary Wigwam is valued at around $2.4 million.
Without saying his name, she has effectively painted Obama, the great community agitator, as the dreaded, “one of them.” This is something no committed leftist could tolerate. Of course it’s doubtful Obama will care. He has had a taste of the billionaire good life and probably wants more. He will be too busy cashing in to worry what some Squaw says about him.
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