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It looks like almost every Congressional and Senatorial committee is continuing to investigate the Trump Administration, Trump campaign staff, President Trump himself and even his family members over alleged Russian ties!

All these committees are chaired by REPUBLICANS! Why are these REPUBLICANS doing this? Is it not time to say enough of this and shut these absurd hearings down and open hearings into the DNC, the Clintons’, their staffs’ and supporters’ corrupt, and in some cases treasonous dealings with various foreign entities?

While Congress and various government agencies are spending unbelievable amounts of time and money investigating President Trump, and virtually everyone connected to his campaign and presidency, not a word has been said about Obama openly interfering with democratic elections in Israel or a European country because he did not like the people who were the leading contenders for the top position in those countries?

Obama even used our taxpayer money to fund these efforts.

Regarding the Clintons’ long and well documented history of corruption and treason, RINO Lindsey Graham recently said that “President Trump calling for the Justice Department to investigate a former political rival was inappropriate”. Really!!! This statement is “inappropriate’, especially coming from a Senator who calls himself a REPUBLICAN.

Obama “holdovers” in every Federal government agency continue to illegally leak information to the Main Stream Media and openly support the overthrow of the Trump Administration.

In an interview with Wolf Blitzer at the recent Aspen Security conference, John Brennan, one of Obama’s White House staff and then head of the CIA, encouraged people to take action against the Trump Administration.

The Republicans in the House just allowed the Democrats to demand changes to a Sanctions bill they just passed. This gives Democrats special power that the minority party does not normally have, and limits the President’s power to change the sanctions (a power his office is supposed to have). Why are so many of the REPUBLICANS in Washington helping the Democrats? Simple answer is because they are hard core members of the “Washington Cesspool”.

President Trump’s latest addition to his Administration, Anthony Scaramucci instantly became the Main Stream Media’s new favorite target because of his public focus on stopping illegal leaks about the Trump Administration. On his second day in his new position some of his personal financial information was leaked to the media.

Obviously this list of examples of “Washington Cesspool” members’ corrupt and un-American activities could be much longer, but this short list indicates to me that the “Cesspool” is getting more desperate to save itself from the Trump Administration.

Based on President Trump’s speech in Ohio on July 25, he is not giving up on his promise to “Make America Great Again” and neither are his “Middle America” supporters. The “Washington Cesspool” should be worried!

You can find all my articles about everything I have mentioned here and much more about Washington corruption on my website

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