President Donald Trump was elected, in part, to halt illegal immigration and persuade Congress to help him in the endeavor, and although his recent extirpation of President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was a fine and necessary end to an illegitimate and unConstitutional use of an executive order, President Trump’s subsequent meeting and agreement with Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, on September 13th, ended in statements of support to legalize “Dreamers” through legislation. Trump basically lent his name and a new sense of urgency to a legislative amnesty, that certainly doesn’t put America or Her people first.
America must not take on the added burden and consequences that will follow any poorly outlined legalization of these DACA recipients. President Reagan’s 1986 amnesty for three million illegal aliens added fifteen million to our population, and, without specific codified pre-conditions, which President Trump and the Democrats seem prepared to ignore, 800,000 DACA folks will add approximately four million new Democratic voters and Republican serfs, while the promise of border security in the future, similar to the 2013 Gang of Eight bill, is never realized.
As long as anyone is eligible for amnesty, they will receive amnesty, so it seems. Nearly twenty years after the 1986 amnesty, the Ninth Circuit Court was still granting amnesty to thousands of illegal aliens, who unbelievably claimed they were unfairly denied, because they weren’t residing in America for the first amnesty.
On September 14th, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) stated: “Every time anybody in Congress or in the administration starts talking about, … ‘a deal for amnesty for this or to legalize that’, then we get a huge surge in people coming across our southern border”.
How can President Trump not see, that if he gives the Democrats the amnesty they seek now, he will never receive the promised, although unspecified, border security measures in the future? We’ve been down this road before. Is Trump really so politically naive?
No deal on DACA in Congress is better than a bad deal. Let DACA die in six months, and each DACA recipient can petition the immigration courts, utilizing existing U.S. law, on a case by case basis. If this upsets a bunch of future Democratic voters, who shouldn’t be here anyway, how is this America’s problem?<
Any potential Congressional deal on DACA, that might have existed, has already been undermined, by Trump’s tweet he might “revisit” his decision, if Congress doesn’t legalize DACA. His suggestion that DACA illegal aliens have nothing to fear also makes a deal less likely.
Hardcore opponents to any amnesty deal are unlikely to soften their position, in the face of an army of lawyers for LaRaza, who are feverishly working for continued open borders and a constant flow of illegal aliens into America, with no end in sight. They understand that racist LaRaza advocates seek to “reconquer” the Southwest and destroy white Christian America and America’s predominant Western European culture. Only a fool aids in their own destruction.
The Dreamers do not have any standing or right to demand anything from us, especially something so precious as U.S. citizenship and all its endowments, or even legalization, and yet, they have made these demands repeatedly and finally acquired DACA. Emboldened by Trump’s sympathy for them, they are now demanding the legalization of all illegal aliens in America.
During a recent press conference with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, illegal alien protesters chanted, “All of us or none of us … all eleven million”. They used the Progressive statistic and the assertion that only 11 million illegal aliens reside in the U.S. currently, when the figure is actually much closer to 30 million; and, the mere fact they demand legalization, rather than politely request it, is astounding and exhibits their complete lack of respect for America.
The majority of DACA recipients are no longer children, as many dishonest politicians would have us believe. They are largely between twenty and thirty-six years old, and by the time they applied for college or some security sensitive areas of employment, they certainly were aware of their illegal alien and “undocumented” status. Whether they have known of their illegal status for two or twenty years, why have they not corrected their situation through legal channels over the years?
Some softhearted Americans propose giving legal residence to Dreamers, who pass tough background investigations, pay any owed back taxes, complete high school and enroll in college, get a job or join the military. While this may seem like a good solution, many other Americans see this as a slap in the face of legal immigrants, who came to America properly, and all Americans who fought, bled and died in defense of the Constitution and America.
When President Trump said, “We’re not looking at amnesty. We’re looking at allowing people to stay here”, isn’t that a defacto amnesty?
Trump also enjoys repeatedly talking about the massive, impenetrable, “big and beautiful” wall he still intends to build, which gained him monumental support during his campaign. However, he fluctuates between insisting it will be built and rationalizing why it isn’t being built. How disappointed many have become, as they discover they were cheering for routine maintenance at the border and more sensors.
It is mind-boggling to witness President Trump prepare to give away the farm, without getting any concessions from the Democrats, other than a vague reference to “border security” that will disappear under the next Democratic president. Legislating DACA without including E-Verify and the RAISE Act is feckless. Changes to the proposed DACA legislation must ensure that they can’t bring their entire tribe with them, from the miserable Third World hellholes they abandoned.
When asked if a bill that gives legal status to DACA recipients could pass without funding for a border wall, Representative Dave Brat (R-VA) said: “No way. I don’t think DACA is passable with a wall. We would also need to require E-Verify and end chain migration.”
No one will be left to listen to their lies, if President Trump and today’s Republican leadership, along with the Democrats, pass any type of amnesty for the illegal aliens in DACA, or any others too. They will have crossed a line of no return, without the support of many of their voters, who are tired of shouting their demands at the deaf ears of GOP elitists. Millions of Republicans will no longer offer any loyalty to a party that has broken one promise after another, and DACA amnesty will be the end of the line.
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