The left is getting lefter. There’s no doubt the Democratic Party is pushing towards socialism and communism with “independent” Bernie Sanders leading the charge. I hear a lot of conservative commentaries welcoming this lurch. We need to be careful what we wish because, as we all know, voters can be swayed quickly with limited information and a good sales pitch.
They’re talking about Medicare-for-all. We know this is a horrific idea. Even Sanders himself admitted as much 30-years-ago. That hasn’t stopped the push. We need to be cognizant of it and be prepared to counter it with full force. Don’t take for granted that people can be easily shown how it would bankrupt the country. There are plenty of people who hear about $20 trillion debts, debt ceilings, busted budgets, and the federal reserve and think, “If I get free healthcare, who cares what the number crunchers in DC have to do to get me there?”
Remember how many people were shocked that Obamacare wasn’t free? Well, this IS “free” so millions will call for it regardless of the consequences. The Democrats are learning this. Their research is telling them they may have a winner if they nurture it. Many are willing to set aside logic and fiscal responsibility if it means taking back the House and the Senate. Don’t disregard this as impossible.
The hot topic lately has been about guns for obvious reasons. This is an area where there’s a little less complacency from the right, but it’s still almost impossible to imagine an America that completely disregards or repeals the 2nd Amendment. Folks, it really could happen and not as far in the future as most believe. Gun control pushes today are the first domino in a string that leads to full-blown gun-grabbing.
Lastly, there’s socialism itself. We are a capitalist nation. That’s (probably) not going to change any time soon. What we need to worry about is the false notion that they can’t push for socialism without tearing down capitalism first. In an ideal world for socialists, they don’t need to tear down capitalism at all. In fact, they would want capitalism to fund the socialism they desire.
One can read Atlas Shrugged and see the systematic deconstruction of capitalism happening with the rise of socialism. It’s fiction. It’s also not entirely impossible to happen even in America. We’re a nation of plenty that is fueled by those who do not have plenty in their opinions. They aren’t comparing their situations to the billions in the world who are starving and/or who do not enjoy basic levels of freedom. They’re comparing themselves to the guy down the block with the Ferrari. Socialists can paint a picture of income equality that is appealing on the surface. They won’t tell the people that income equality means everyone will be equally poor. They’re selling it as pushing things slightly better for the average American by taking from the rich. If you don’t think that can be sold as appealing to people, you’re still stuck in the 80s when such notions were unthinkable.
The Democrats aren’t committing the political suicide many on the right believe they are with their push to the far left. They’ve tested their messages, polled the people, and have come to the conclusion that this is a winning play for them. We cannot assume that common sense and facts will be enough to stop them from succeeding. It’s imperative that we fight the good fight to keep the impossible from becoming our reality.
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