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In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill’s family farm after her husband committed suicide. Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill’s pleas for help in news reports.

In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help and he didn’t hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.

In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.

In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: “We’ve paid off your mortgage.”

In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach, Florida accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump “put the light on Palm Beach – not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination.”  Foxman also noted that Trump’s charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.

In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching.  Trump said the little girl’s story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check…

Trump’s kindness knows no bounds and his generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race and religion. When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help.

Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he’d run for president. He said: “If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what’s happening with this country.”

That day has come. Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help – how unthinkable!

So voters, the secret is out. This exposes The Donald once and for all. Think of this at the polls.

We are grateful to our retired minister friend who found these stats for us.

Read the Rest of Crokin’s excellent article at Townhall.

While watching Hillary at this last debate with that smirking smile glued to her face while laughing whenever Donald Trump answered a question, this Scripture verse came to mind: “As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool.”  Ecclesiastes 7:6.

It has been pointed out that one does judge others according to their own standard of conduct. Hillary accuses Trump of gross immorality. Yet at this moment, she is front paged on National Inquirer regarding a woman who arranged rendezvous with both men and women for her. Hillary’s lesbianism is well known. It is no secret.

While in D.C. for a period of time when Bill Clinton was in office, many insiders on The Hill had stories to tell about her lesbian and other sexual  activities. These are people close to her who have close knowledge of her activities. Yet, she lectures Trump on his lack of purity.

Furthermore the statements of her being ahead in the polls,and  that Trump is losing, is a total liewhich is to be expected from the Dem Communist Party. Watch for upcoming story with the ACTUAL stats. Those phony stats are deliberately  planted to trick Trump voters to stay home. Don’t fall for it. Go and make your voices heard.

Hillary preaches that one lacking in morals is not fit for public office, yet, she is still there. Indeed, she ducked every issue brought up in the debates by attacking Trump’s moral character. Distractions is the name of the game. We are voting for a man who will restore the greatness of our country, not a Pastor-in-Chief.

We want a COMMANDER in Chief who will indeed protect us from our enemies and bring sanity back to society as it was founded to be. This model has all but vanished as Communists and Muslims (who head the majority of Home Land Security offices) have successfully infiltrated the Government of the United States with Obama’s help, to bring the United States of America crashing down and turning this country into a One World Government puppet under the tyranny of The Communist Party.

Now back to the character issue: If we demand that any candidate for office come out of a monastic lifestyle, we will have no candidates.

Take a man like Ben Franklin, a reprobate who slept with every female he could score with in England and France. Did not believe Jesus was the son of God. Yet his hands are all over our constitution. He and Bill Clinton along with Hillary, are identical womanizers.

When Bill Clinton was having all those affairs we did not know it until later. They did not affect our lives, the only thing that affected us were the regulations, taxes and bills (good or bad) he signed and vetoed while in office.

The difference is in policy, not personality. I vote for the platform, not the person, People are imperfect and we are all flawed in some way. The Bible says “there is none perfect, no not one” and warns us about casting the first stone.

It is also good to remember that God chose wretched wicked people and worked through them. David lusted after a married woman, had a child with her and arranged to have her husband killed.

David’s son, King Solomon had 700 wives, 300 concubines and was carrying on with that Shulamite chick on the side. And that was in the days before Viagra!

So lets get to the nitty gritty of all this–THE SECRET LIFE OF DONALD TRUMP. Bear in mind, we are not the ones exposing this shocking story. This comes from a journalist in the secular media.

Trump Does the Unthinkable by Liz Crokin at Townhall:

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