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Editorial credit: a katz /

I’m sorry, but I keep retrieving “information” from left-of-center sources. You know, the ones the president deems fake news. I find their “truths” most often devoid of facts while filled with bias, speculation and ungrounded opinion. Generally it is amazingly contradictory to what I accept as true after a little research.

I have a tendency to probe further when I find something that is out of whack from what I have come to believe or even too close to what I want to believe. I chase rabbits down holes where most people would twist an ankle and limp away without regarding the overall cause or effect of the depression before I form conclusions. My writings are often days after the fact because I want them to be correct, not speculative and opinion drawn. Yeah, I’m that kind of different.

Recently, I have concentrated on the talking heads who spout that Donald Trump is a dictator. Again, there is no substantiation for the sentiment, just the accusation. It’s like calling someone a racist, without recognizing that the person is of mixed race or part of a family comprised of many races, just because there is a disagreement of policy or conviction. The dictator appellation is always thrown out by people who don’t understand a dictatorship. They are the same people who advocate for the Castro brothers, Kim Jung un, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. They ignorantly embrace socialism and communism believing either governing and economic system is better than a capitalist free society because that is what they’ve been taught in school.

They are the people who applauded President Obama for unconstitutionally enacting prohibitive regulations on their and our lives because he is charismatic. They are the people who believe it is better to be dependent on government than it is to be responsible for their personal well-being. They are the generation(s) still living with their parents because whatever income they derive, is worthy of gifts only for themselves. They would prefer using the family car to owning and maintaining their own. Allowing mom or dad to pay the the insurance premium is what parents are all about.

They are the same lemmings who do the grunt work on behalf of multi-millionaire community organizers and billionaire subversives who’s goal is to ultimately subjugate them. To them, causing occasional social disturbance with physical violence for $10 or $15 an hour is preferable to an eight hour shift and regular income.

We have seen a tremendous change in society over the past few decades as the public school teachers and college professors spend more time and effort advocating for gender confusion and social justice than they do educating students. What we now have is generation after generation of youth who cannot read their high school diplomas (even if they receive one), but know it is racist to point it out…no matter what their heritage.

What they have is an ignorant love for dictatorship because they don’t understand what it is. However, they will protest it when it comes upon them. That generation will wish Donald Trump was still, or again, their president.

iPatriot Contributers


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