Woke Disney has struck again, this time it is wokening the lyrics of the songs for its hit property Little Mermaid as it gears up for its newest live-action remake of the original animated film. Apparently woke Disney is feeling the need to make the songs more politically correct.
The news was revealed by the new show’s composer, Aman Menken, in an interview with Vanity Fair ahead of the release of the new show.
At one point in the interview, Vanity Fair asked, “Was there anything from the original that you redid, or something about it needed to change?”
Menken said that there was, indeed.
The original just wasn’t woke enough, apparently, so he and Disney wokened the show up.
“There are some lyric changes in ‘Kiss the Girl’ because people have gotten very sensitive about the idea that [Prince Eric] would, in any way, force himself on [Ariel],” Menken said.
Seriously? What sane person thinks that the prince is trying to rape Ariel?
It’s a typical love story in the old style, for cripes sakes.
But that’s not all. Menken has more changes.
“We have some revisions in ‘Poor Unfortunate Souls’ regarding lines that might make young girls somehow feel that they shouldn’t speak out of turn, even though Ursula is clearly manipulating Ariel to give up her voice,” he blathered.
Apparently, Menken is talking about the lyrics in Ursula’s song that go: “The men up there don’t like a lot of blabber. They think a girl who gossips is a bore. Yes, on land it’s much preferred for ladies not to say a word.”
Now, think about this… Ursula is the bad guy. We are supposed to view the things Ursula says as bad ideas. She’s evil. So, when she is telling people that girl’s shouldn’t speak their minds, aren’t we supposed to assume that the “right” thing would be the opposite of what she says?
And, if they are softening Ursula, aren’t they making the bad guy the good guy?
Do these people have any idea what they are doing?
Looks like they have another woke bomb on their hands.
Aren’t they tired of losing their shirt yet?
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