By Conor Coughlin,
In 2005, MIT graduates developed a software program called SCIgen that could detect phony research papers containing computer-generated gibberish, which were being accepted by some of the world’s most renowned institutions as fully peer-reviewed science. Major institutions like the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and Springer, an international publisher of scientific papers, had to remove 120 computer-generated “gibberish” reports used by top universities and business groups. As it applied to the IEEE, those reports involved electrical topics directly related to the manipulation of global energy markets, which were being pushed by the UN diplomats pretending that the Kyoto Protocols would save humanity. The EPA Junk Science advocates were using the Settled Science of the Energy Foundation crowd to undermine decades-old Dept of Energy policies, which had once advocated for finding advanced energy-efficiency technologies for use in America’s Industrial Sector, the largest consumer of electricity on the planet. Electricity is the key to America’s economic vitality, which explains why the media needed to bury the West Coast Governors Global Warming Pact that had been secretly initiated in 2003. Silence is golden for green science, especially after the Bonneville Environmental Foundation had taken control of the business agenda for the corporate green movement.
The DOE once claimed that electricity conservation offered the most cost-effective means for reducing significant GHG emissions, which had been a major part of America’s Smart Energy agenda in the olden days. But by 2006, that DOE policy had been flipped upside down by the EPA’s stakeholder partners when it was decided that bigger bucks could be made through carbon-credit trading schemes related to the installation of alternative generation resources like solar or wind-turbine farms. State-Owned Enterprises like the Prosperity Partnership of the Puget Sound had already formed. They had adopted the “gibberish” science as part of their business model for a Regional Economic Agenda. These savvy government entrepreneurs created a new Cluster Industry business strategy to market clean energy technology, which was a form of Orwellian double-speak to describe ENERGY STAR. The term ENERGY STAR is strictly prohibited in academic circles and at UN conferences on Global Warming because nobody wants to talk about the old science that turned that EPA program into a cash cow for the Limousine Liberals. This was when California’s Commonwealth Club created their Climate One platform for empowering conversations on the new climate science, which aligned precisely with the version of truth presented by the National Public Radio stations across the USA.
The ENERGY STAR was referred to as Settled Science, which could not be questioned by anyone. The political elites couldn’t afford another Sokal Hoax, like when a physicist named Alan Sokal submitted a sham article to the cultural studies journal Social Text that had been “liberally salted with nonsense” that he knew his Fellow Travelers in the academic community would accept as if it was the gospel according to Marx. The hapless fools at the journal had published his delusional science paper in their 1996 Spring/Summer issue. They had to be told by Sokal that his “techno babble” was a hoax to demonstrate just how freaking stupid these highly-educated experts had become. Of course, it was buried by the media and is now called the Sokal Affair. Otherwise, someone might have asked questions about the new DOE programs like the Save Energy Now program, a $100 billion boondoggle with universities conducting “industrial assessments” at corporate facilities to improve productivity and profits. That $100 billion program could only afford to fund 200 university-grade assessments, which was on par with the cost-effective solution used to reduce electrical demand in America’s Industrial Sector.
Media censorship of that “gibberish” science is still in place. The EPA recently announced that the Samsung Corporation has received the first ENERGY STAR® certification for a Smart Home Energy Management System that could be worth trillions of dollars for the EPA’s Billionaires Club. This EPA product is not purchased voluntarily by anyone. It must be mandated for use by everyone. This explains the need for a media blackout of the EPA’s claim that ENERGY STAR® is providing simple, unbiased, and credible information that customers and businesses rely on the make well-informed decisions. If ENERGY STAR® was providing unbiased and credible information, where would you go to find it? More importantly, could you determine who exactly produced it in the first place?
Therein lies the problem. Nobody is taking credit for inventing EPA’s multi-billion dollar product lines, which they claim generate tens of billions of dollars in energy savings annually. However, that leaves no financial footprint of any recorded activity. By 2003, the elites had created a new version of the Sokal Hoax when three state governors hatched a secretive plan to save the world from ineffective government officials in Washington, DC. These three Progressive leaders were angry that Congress and the White House had rejected the science that would allow them to meet their commitment to emissions reductions for the Kyoto Protocols. That’s when the three state governors formed the West Coast Governors Global Warming Pact, signed by California’s Gray Davis two weeks before being removed from office by a Recall petition for his role in the California Energy Crisis of 2000-2001. That corrupt initiative was embraced by the global elites that supported the UN Cluster Industries concept, which could exclude all outside competitors from their private clubs.
When considering the EPA’s claims of providing unbiased and credible information that customers rely on to make well-informed decisions, have you ever wondered why that message is only shared with members of the World Economic Forum? While at the same time, the Biden regime is pushing a new Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity to tackle economic inequality, foster regional economic integration, and good jobs, and restore faith in democracy by delivering for working people across the region. Did bureaucrats forget that Alan Sokal had already acknowledged that he had conducted a hoax decades ago and that “gibberish” was not science?
by Conor Coughlin at
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