On July 15, 2015 the DOJ (now known as the “Department of Injustice”) sent a 22 page legal notice to Georgia Governor Nathen Deal and Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens informing them that the Department had determined that Georgia’s GNETS program (Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support) was in violation of the Federal laws against “separate facilities” for different groups of students in school systems. The notice goes into great detail about what they believe are the deficiencies in Georgia’s GNETS program. One of their major concerns is that students in the GNETS facilities do not have “equal access to extracurricular activities like after school sports or clubs”.
According to the Georgia Department of Education website, GNETS was created in 1970. This is how the website describes it: “The Georgia Network for Educational and Therapeutic Support (GNETS) is comprised of 24 programs which support the local school systems’ continuum of services for students with disabilities, ages 3-21. The programs provide comprehensive educational and therapeutic support services to students who might otherwise require residential or other more restrictive placements due to the severity of one or more of the characteristics of the disability category of emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD).”
In other words, GNETS was created specifically to provide an education for students who might otherwise have to be institutionalized! As noted above these are students who have psychological or behavior disorders that causes them be a potential threat to themselves and/or other students/people. These facilities are usually “locked down” where people have to be “buzzed in and out”, that are operated by dedicated and highly qualified professionals.
So now the Obama Administration and the State of Georgia are engaged in extended and expensive litigation over whether or not the State of Georgia can continue to provide an education for these special needs students, or just lock them up in institutions. Surely the Obama “Department of Injustice” has other places to spend (waste) our Federal tax dollars?
Is your school system next?
You can read more about the “Department of Injustice”: here: http://www.onlymakessense.com/the-u-s-department-of-injustice/
The original 22 page legal notice is here: http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.copaa.org/resource/resmgr/Docs/DOJ_GA_schools_findings_lett.pdf
Tags: DOJ Obama Presidential Election
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