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The liberal European country of Denmark is pulling back on its former automatic approval of radical, left-wing, “gender affirming care” for kids, just as the American medical establishment is pushing even harder for the dangerous mutilation of children.

Denmark is joining England, Finland, Sweden, and Norway in pulling back on automatic approval of transgendering children.

There’s more:

Meanwhile, the U.S.A., the medical establishment is going in the exact opposite direction.

Per David Strom of HotAir:

The AAP’s official position is that physicians have a responsibility to instantly accept the assertion of a child that they are in need of transition and that “watchful waiting”–a standard practice everywhere until recently–is an outdated practice:

When pediatricians lack knowledge about the needs of transgender and gender-diverse youth, they may default to the “watch and wait” approach. This method is outdated and harmful, denying resources needed to explore gender identity. When a questioning young person opens up about their gender identity, the response needs to be one of unconditional support, which will resonate for a long time. Start by asking what pronouns are used and what name is affirming for them. The benefits of social affirmation are significant. According to the Trevor Project’s 2023 Survey on the Mental Health of LGBTQ Young People, those who were in affirming homes, schools, and online spaces reported lower rates of depression and suicidality. Pediatricians should also assess safety. These two appraisals are the foundation of gender-affirming care.

They take this position because The Trevor Project–a transgender activist group–says that is the right one.

The U.S. medical establishment is thoroughly corrupt and sold-out to the far left-wing. The U.S. medical establishment does not care about health, patients, science, medicine, or children. It cares about politics.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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