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On this Inauguration Day, as Donald Trump finally becomes President Trump, my relief is akin to leaving the dental chair after an 8 year long root canal. To quote President Gerald Ford after the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974: “Our long national nightmare is over”.

America now has a Patriot and an Alpha Male in our White House as President of the United States. Democrats, we see you already declaring war against Mr. Trump and his agenda – or better stated, “ America’s Agenda “. You are spoiling for a fight; one that will continue unabated for 4 years. Bipartisanship is dead. America remains on the brink of Civil Insurrection, and Democrats, that is your fault. You are the party who has tried to destroy this nation. You are the party still determined to do so. You are not the loyal opposition of past times; you are a hate group, and you are the enemy of America. You are on notice; the gloves are off, we are playing hardball.

We know you will fight Trump, the GOP majority Congress tooth and nail nonstop for the next 4 years. We know you will fight dirty. If you fight fair, we will fight fair; if you fight dirty, so shall we! Trump has the votes in Congress, and he has 63 million voters and supporters whose numbers will only grow exponentially as his policies become law and in effect and begin to restore our nation and restore our exceptionalism that Obama worked diligently to destroy.

We shall build the wall on the Southern Border, rescind the unconstitutional executive orders, build the Keystone XL Pipeline, open public lands to oil and gas exploration, deport the illegal aliens, end sanctuary cities, stop rewarding voluntary unemployment and out of wedlock pregnancies, support our beleaguered peace officers, rebuild our weakened and demoralized military, rebuild our infrastructure, bring millions of good paying jobs to American Citizens of all races and creeds.

Democrats, you are free to disagree. You are free to voice your opposition. You are free in Congress to vote against these policies; however, they will rebuild America and your votes against Trump’s agenda will come back to haunt you in the midterm elections. Politically speaking Democrats, get in the way, and we will run over you. What can you expect from Trump and his supporters in Congress and across this nation”? You can expect RUTHLESSNESS! You may disagree, but not having the votes, do not obstruct. We shall help Trump save America, and we have blood in our eye! Democrats, fight fair or fight dirty. Your choice. You have been warned.


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