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New York is lousy with Democrats. However, they are just about fed up with their own party on the immigration crisis that has flooded their state.

This should frighten Democrats. Because, while it won’t cause any of their idiot voters to turn into Republicans, their voters will either stay home or vote all new destructive Democrats into office, causing the current powerful elite to lose their cushy lives.

So, what does this new Siena College Research Institute poll say? It shows that fully 84 percent of New Yorkers think the state’s migrant situation is a serious problem, the New York Post reported.

It also shows that Biden is only leading Trump by a tiny 9 points in the state (46% to 37%). That is also a warning sign, because it should be more like 25 points!

It should be remembered that Republican Lee Zeldin only lost the race for gov by seven points. If the Biden vs. Trump numbers are any indication, he might have won if that election was today.

As Bob McManus noted, the migrant crisis is causing repercussions all down the line for Democrats.

But this much seems clear: The effective collapse of America’s southern border comes with downstream political ramifications.
see also
Nearly two-thirds of New Yorkers blame Biden for migrant crisis: poll

How can one tell if the Siena poll truly reflects public disquiet on immigration?

That’s easy — both Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams are very much acting like it does.

They’re cowards about it, for sure, complaining about costs and then timidly stating the obvious — the problem is the open border — but scurrying back under cover, presumably after blowback from both the White House and New York’s increasingly hard-left Democratic establishment.

Again, none of this will help Republicans a whole lot in direct votes, but it just may be enough trouble to weaken the once powerful Democrats in the Empire State. And that might help Republicans by keeping Democrat turn out suppressed.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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