In Part 1 we made a case that “The Deep State” is a product of government where the ethic of their people is based on what they take as opposed to the ethic of citizens based on what they make. Where success in both cases is scored in money keeping score is possible.
When we analyze salary and benefit packages for private sector workers and government workers we find government workers receive about three times as much as private sector workers if they live the full life expectancy of 78 years in America. However, police officers and firemen do not, often dying in their 50’s due to the stress and exposure to harmful substances on the job. Other government workers have normal life terms. These facts set the “Deep State” workers apart from civilians and are well known by government people, but not the populace. Let us look deeper…
The real machinery and forces of the Deep State are not seen in the Elected Ruling Class as they come and go, but in the bureaus, as we have seen in the US Patent Office. The most powerful of those are in the Justice Department as they can take our freedom and money even if we are innocent by making us use defense lawyers charging thousands of Dollars an hour! For example:
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is a key player in the coming Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the Inspector General’s report on FBI involvement in the Hillary Clinton investigation. He has done everything possible to put off testifying.
The report is to be released Thursday, June 14, 2018 after a year of arm twisting by Congress! Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley had scheduled a June 11th hearing as a public hearing. McCabe will pull something to avoid having to “lawyer up.”
Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report will come down hard on James Comey and his leadership team for bungling the Clinton investigation on handling classified information.
Horowitz’s report has already led to McCabe’s firing and criminal referral to the United States Attorney as Horowitz found McCabe lied to investigators four times during his probe! McCabe is shucked!
McCabe is now pleading for criminal immunity with Grassley’s committee. It would mean anything McCabe testifies to could not be used in further criminal proceedings against him, but it is the nature of such cases to expose ways of nailing him. McCabe threatens to plead the Fifth Amendment against self-incrimination, but that is a weak point and tells the committee an indictment is called for. McCabe is interlinked with James Comey in ways that could result in serious legal trouble for both.
After lying to Congress, Jim Comey illegally leaked confidential memos about conversations with Donald Trump, all of which is “Classified” by law! Comey claims he leaked the memo to insure a special counsel was appointed if he was fired but this is not a defense for having violated bureau policy. McCabe is an inside-man who can provide incriminating evidence on James Comey.
The Deep State is one of mind; the minds of the men who serve under the elected ruling class, but with disdain. They only tolerate the “electeds” as bureaucrats are a more permanent part of government. In their minds permanence prevails over place. The Constitution to them is “an old piece of paper” and little more. They are wrong.
The bureau is the first manmade life-form. It eats money, poops paper, rules and regulations far exceeding those of electeds who spend 2/3rds of their time fundraising for the next election and do little legislating giving rise to our “One Term and one only” concept.
Most laws are written by lobbyist client lawyers who lay completed bills in high legalese on the electeds who rubber stamp them filled with pride for a monster document with their name on it. This is corruption down to their socks!
The Deep State is one of mind, growing in the fertile soil of bureaus where people spend their lives thriving on what they can take from us and put over on the electeds who feign stupidity because it offends nobody and makes them feel good as they believe they are smarter than the guys that vote for them! Just talk to one and you will think they are not too swift, but it’s an act with the result we are living in some kind of movie written by people without our best interest, but there is yet another hypothesis to come…
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