We re Losing Our Free Speech – Part 3
One of greatest things about America is the fact that we have had the right to voice our opinion for the last 241 years. Our Founders gave us that because under the tyranny of most countries in Europe at that time you could be punished for putting forth an opinion that differed from those in power. How times have changed.
We now have a bunch of gutter scum lowlifes that believe that there should only be one opinion allowed, the liberal point of view. We’ve witnessed this last weekend in Boston protests that cancelled a legal free speech rally by people who hate the freedoms we enjoy in America. At least they are being paid to hate them by seditionists like George Soros. There are those who want to destroy America because we are the reason there is not a New World Order touted by all the Bush’s and Clintons. A childish, anti-American group out of Boston called #BostonResist sent out a message this weekend that defines their sedition; There is no room for capitalists, conservatives, libertarians, “classical liberals” or supporters of the US Constitution in our city. You MUST leave.
This is what the left, i.e. Democrats have done to America. We have risen up many times in our history to right the wrongs that have tried to force itself on us. We, for the most part, are not cowards. There are factions out there that are; the snowflakes that always got a participation trophy, never won, never lost and now they’re not capable of dealing with real life. I have lived through 14 presidential elections and have never seen the hatred and violence displayed since Trump won. Conservative points of view are being shut down on almost all of our so-called places of higher education. The violence we see is always from the left yet they blame conservatives for the violence. They destroy other people’s property simply because a conservative is scheduled to give a speech. They are the ones that demand that conservatives embrace the lefts point of view but refuse to allow the conservative point of view to be brought forth.
We are also losing our history AND the right to proclaim it. Statues of the great generals of the Civil War are being removed all across the South and in the North East. We can’t display our history and soon we will not be able to teach our history. They have gone after George Washington and Thomas Jefferson because they were slave owners but no one is saying a word about Anderson Cooper’s great-grandfather, Cornelius Vanderbilt, who was a slave owner. They don’t know that Washington hated slavery, never bought or sold a slave. He got his slaves from his father and uncle. They don’t know that he almost went broke twice because he would not sell any slaves. He refused to break up families. They don’t know that he freed them upon his death but in Virginia at that time you could not free a slave. They have taken no time to investigate anything about the Founders that owned slaves. They ignore the fact that virtually the entire world participated in slavery at that time. They also ignore that islam STILL to this day practices slavery. They never even mention it.
If you look at all the violence that we are seeing today, it is all from the left. All because liberals did not get their way in the last election. They are doing all they can to cause chaos tp disrupt Trump. They desperately don’t want him to succeed because it will make them look bad. NEWS FLASH!!! Liberals make liberals look bad. George Soros is the one behind all the riots we are seeing. In an interview with Germany’s BILD in September of 2014 he stated: “I’m going to bring down the United States by funding Black Hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The Black community is the easiest to manipulate.” He has followed through with his promise. George Soros’s Open Society Institute viewed the 2015 Baltimore unrest following the death of Freddie Gray as opening a “unique opportunity” to create “accountability” for the Baltimore police while aiding activists in reforming the city, according to hacked documents reviewed by Breitbart Jerusalem.
The documents further confirm that the Open Society last year approved $650,000 to “invest in technical assistance and support for the groups at the core of the burgeoning #BlackLivesMatter movement.” 1 But it isn’t just BLM that he has funded. Washington CAN! is a far left group leading the protests against Donald Trump in Seattle.
The far left group is paying protesters to attend their rally.
CAN! is funded by George Soros’s Open Society Foundation:
From a 2010 press release: Open Society Institute Announces Small Donor Development and Diversification Grant Recipients
Washington CAN! is behind the ad hiring protesters for the anti-Trump rallies and riots.
Via Free Republic and Reddit:
Stan Taylor is the one who posted the ad on Craigslist. He is listed in the staff directory on the Washington CAN! website. He is the office administrator.
This is proof that Soros money is funding the violent organized anti-Trump protests across America. 2
Virtually all riots at Trump rallies are funded by Soros. He is doing all he can to silence not just Trump but those who voted for and still support him. George Soros has been caught organizing anti-Trump riots across America through a liberal activist group he funds via the Open Society Foundations.
Soros, the man behind the Clinton Campaign, is encouraging Hillary supporters to set fires, disrupt traffic, and hurl verbal and physical abuse at citizens who voted for Donald Trump.
Pamelageller.com reports:
But it’s also Soros in action again, as the blogger Dennis Michael Lynch reports.
“MoveOn.org, a liberal activist group that has exploded all across the nation, is funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations. It is now well known that MoveOn.org was responsible for many of the riots and protests at Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, some of which became violent and dangerous.”
Wednesday – the day following Trump’s victory – MoveOn.org moved into action. The group put out a notice on their Facebook page, announcing they would conduct ‘peaceful gatherings of resistance’ all across the country Wednesday evening.”
Well, guess it wasn’t so peaceful after all.
As news from around the country by social media posters revealed, some protesters blocked traffic, others shouted “f–k the police,” others blocked Americans from making their daily commutes to work, still others outright clashed with police, and more set fires, destroyed and defaced properties and burned American flags.
Peaceful protests, or bratty temper tantrums? 3
The left is using many angles to stifle the free speech of conservatives. There is a lot of funding behind all of this. But all of this is coming to light. Decent Americans, even in the Democrat Party will no longer feel comfortable in that Party. I have even emailed both my Senators and the anti-American I have for a Representative, Rep. Diane DeGette, and asked why, when we know that Soros is funding the sedition we are seeing, is he being charges with treason, sedition and a half dozen other things that he is guilty of? I have yet to see an answer.
We have to be alert at all times or we will slowly lose all our freedoms.
Advice that I used to give at the end of my radio program every week: Stay informed to stay free.
Foot Notes
- http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/08/16/hacked-soros-memo-baltimore-riots-provide-unique-opportunity-reform-police/
- http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/11/heres-proof-soros-money-funding-anti-trump-leftist-protest-riots/
- https://newspunch.com/george-soros-funds-anti-trump-riots/
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