This could be one of the most deftly executed strategies in the culture war by a president. Consider how Mr. Trump, a/k/a Commander Tweets, is usually the instigator or the genesis of much of the controversies that have befalling the nation, and for that matter the world. And although his detractors might disagree and attribute the president’s actions to ineptitude and mere distractions from the more important issues that plague us, perhaps his intent is in fact to distract his enemies at home and abroad while he maneuvers and makes plans. And as in any war, there will be casualties and battles to be fought.
From the very first day coming down the escalator in Trump tower to announce his running for office, then candidate Trump spoke about immigration and building a wall along the southern border. Since then immigration has been in the forefront of the national debate, even more vigorously following the DACA controversy. Although the congress and American people are deeply divided on this issue, it has taken on a more urgent need to bring about a solution to this what seems unending miasma. Some might dispute that immigration is part of the culture war, I would disagree. It does in fact impact in a number of ways native born American lives, in particular assimilation, traditions and the changing face of the nation. You can point to almost any issue of the day, and in one way or another it will impact culture, directly or indirectly.
In a speech in Poland earlier this year, Mr. Trump spoke of Western Civilization and the tremendous contributions in the arts and sciences, and the impact it has had on mankind. He spoke of strong families and commitment, and the fundamental question of whether the people have the presence of mind and will to survive and prevail and succeed in their endeavors. He asked do we, the descendants of Western Civilization, have confidence in our values and have the courage of our convictions to defend them from those who would subvert and attempt to destroy our way of life.
Mr. Trump concluded with these words “Our freedom, our civilization, and our survival depend on these bonds of history, culture and memory”. “Our values will prevail. Our people will thrive. And our civilization will triumph”. The president was speaking not only to the Polish people, but was sending a message to America, and those who are attempting to diminish and undermine Western values. These same forces as of late are intent on removing statues and monuments of historical figures.
Of all the battles we fight, this has the most significant impact on the culture. During the previous administration then President Obama, commander of the enemies of the West, promoted an aggressive and calculated agenda, through propaganda and threats of government interaction, to normalize and expand LGBTQ rights, in many cases to the detriment and expense of people of faith, Christians in particular.
Mandates covering abortion and contraceptives in the Affordable Care Act, and small business owners who refused to acquiesce to the threat to their religious liberty and accommodate same-sex wedding ceremonies and were persecuted and in some cases lost their livelihoods, and lest we forget the gender neutral restrooms and lockers fiasco, created tremendous anger and dissension.
There was the repeal of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the military, and in 2015 administration lawyers argued before the Supreme Court which decided in the Obama administrations favor and upheld and thus legalized same-sex marriage. In 2016 the administration opened the door for transgender inductees into the military, even going so far as to accommodate their financial needs for sex change procedures at the expense of the taxpayer. Mr. Trump repealed the transgender policy, which is now being reviewed for implementation, and other Obama era executive orders have been rescinded.
Recently the Trump administration and Attorney General Sessions have voiced their support for the plaintiff in a case being heard this week before the Supreme Court- Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission (No. 16-111)- brought by a Christian small business owner who would not accommodate a same-sex wedding ceremony, and was threatened with monetary penalties and forced to go through sensitivity training.
President Trump at an Alabama rally spoke those now famous or infamous words, depending on your ideological persuasion, “Fire that son of a bitch”, that will go down in history as the frontline in the battle to uphold patriotism in America. NFL players kneeling during the national anthem in defiance of the code of conduct that all on the field and in the stands, stand with their hands over their hearts. The reason, or excuse, given by these well paid disrespectful malcontents is police brutality.
Mr. Trump’s incendiary remarks caused a shockwave across the nation and were a call to arms of all patriotic Americans that hold traditional values, the flag and national anthem as sacred. This is one battle that I believe the Trump forces will claim victory, as majorities of the American people have voiced their objection to the player’s antics.
Things have changed over the last 70 years. At one time Hollywood, in its “Golden Age”, had more patriotic and traditional sensibilities. The actors and actresses were more sophisticated, mature and true to their profession and the American people. They gave, in most cases, stellar performances and were patriotic Americans. During the Second World War many joined the military service, while back in the states sold war bonds in support of our efforts overseas. The product Hollywood delivered to the public had substance and verve, and religion was treated with respect and in a just and equitable manner.
Today, with some exceptions, it seems the greater majority of the Hollywood crowd on and off the screen and behind the scenes, are nothing more than ideologically and politically motivated lackeys for a liberal agenda and by extension the democrat party. These people live lives of grandeur and opulence, and have succumbed to all those vices that diminish and undermine a morally upright culture.
This is a clarion call to all able-bodied red-blooded American patriots to close ranks behind the Commander-in-Chief, and fight the forces of cultural corruption and the enemies of Judeo-Christian heritage.
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