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If Russia’s distaste for Hillary Clinton is proof that they were working for a Trump victory, can the same be said about China’s desire for a Democrat victory?

There is no doubt that China is trying, through back channels, to impact the 2018 midterms here in the United States. There is also no doubt that Russia is likely doing the same thing in 2018 that they were doing in 2016.

Bret Baier: People are feeling pretty good about what [President Trump] is doing with the economy.

Charles Lane: And that is why I don’t think China will make any kind of concession before our midterm election. As that Chinese official indicated, ‘I hope the president will listen to the voice of his consumers and business community.’

Translation: ‘We’re going to try encourage a political backlash against this president’s trade policy, and we’re going to see if that works.’

If the president and his party take reverses in the fall elections, I think that is going to make the Chinese seem vindicated that he is less popular than he seemed — and vice versa.

iPatriot Contributers


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