Guarantees in life don’t really exist for anything, not even one’s own safety, but Americans cannot continue their foolhardy abandonment of all reason and common sense, in favor of the sick, delusional, anti-American and dangerous politically correct doctrines of the Leftists and apologists for Islam.
Americans place concerns for Muslims’ hurt feelings over America’s safety and national security at their own peril, since Islam’s false peace is a covert tactic for war, and many thousands more of our countrymen will die in our streets, just as we witnessed on October 31st, 2017 and many other days of terror. America absolutely cannot “coexist” with Muslims, who seek our deaths.
At 3:05 PM on October 31st, Sayfullo Saipov, an Uzbekistan national in America on a Diversity Visa Lottery green card, entered the bicycle path on Houston St. in Lower Manhattan, and he proceeded to run over innocent people, in his rented pick-up truck, for nearly one mile. His murderous act of terror was stopped, when he collided with a school bus full of children.
NYC Police Officer Ryan Nash, 28, confronted Saipov, who was holding a paint ball and pellet gun and screaming “Allahu Akbar” – “Allah is greater”. Nash shot him in the abdomen, after he refused to drop the realistic looking “guns” and arrested him.
The attack left eight dead and eleven injured. Five of the dead were from Argentina. Two were Americans identified as Darren Drake, 32, of New Jersey and Nicholas Cleves, 23, of New York City. The last casualty was Ann-Laure Decadt, 31, of Belgium, who was also the mother of two young boys, one three years old and one three months old.
New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio said, “It’s a very painful day in our city … this was an act of terror, a particularly cowardly act of terror.”
According to the criminal complaint, several notes were found in Saipov’s truck. One written in English read “ISIS lives forever.” Another note handwritten in Arabic read, “No god but god and Mohammed is his prophet”; and, “Islamic supplication. It will endure.”
Of some great significance, one must understand that Masjid Omar Mosque in Paterson, New Jersey, located around the corner from Saipov’s apartment, was attended by Saipov. This mosque has been under NYPD surveillance, since 2005, and it is suspected of being at the center of several terrorist conspiracies.
Investigators also found 90 ISIS propaganda videos and 3800 images on Saipov’s cellphone, that explained how to carry out similar terrorist attacks. Saipov, who entered the United States in 2010, began planning his attack approximately one year ago.
On November 1st, John Miller, deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterintelligence of the NYPD, stated: “He appears to have followed almost to a ‘T’ the instructions that ISIS has put on its social media channels … on how to carry out such an attack.”
Along with Saipov’s truck attack, Americans suffered the November 2016 car attack by Abdul Artan, from Somalia, at Ohio State and the March 2006 car attack by Mohammed Taheri, from Iran, at the University of North Carolina, and America has suffered scores of other horrific terrorist attacks and plots against our people, from the murderous attacks in Ft. Hood, the deadly Boston bombing and the Orlando massacre to the San Bernadino slaughter and the Chattanooga ambush. Whether it’s Ft. Hood or New York City, these homicidal, monstrous sons of Allah maim and murder Christians, Jews, Westerners and non-Muslims, in keeping with the directives of the Koran, just like their brethren who beheaded American Nick Berg, and their screams of “Allahu Akbar” send a clear message to “kill all infidels”.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper recently made the asinine suggestion that we needed to “get inside” these terrorists’ minds. No logical person accepts this nonsense, because we already know that Muslims are motivated by the doctrine of Islamic supremacy, the Koran and the words of Mohammed and their desire to recreate the Caliphate, much along the lines of the old Ottoman Empire.
The last thing America needs is to allow more Muslims into Her lands, on a “merit based” program or any other program, but it seems we must not alienate our local Muslim terrorists. Political correctness dictates we need to allow more of the Muslim terrorists into America, so they can warn us about all the other terrorists in our country.
Before they can destroy the foolish apologists, and any unfortunate innocents, they must blind America, so the Muslims say, “Let us coexist in peace.” Through the myth of coexistence, Islam makes use of taqiyya and every lie and deceit to conquer a people.
Does a husband say to his wife, “Let’s coexist”? New York doesn’t say to New Jersey, “Let’s coexist”. America doesn’t say to Canada, “Let’s coexist”.
Muslims use “coexistence” to stall for time, until they see the time is right to strike.The principles of peaceful relations that exist between free and loving people, in Western societies, who believe in real peace and justice, cannot be applied to Muslims anywhere, who believe that peace and justice is only achieved once the world is dominated by Islam. And in this sense, “coexistence” is only a sham, a snare and a delusion.
At the very least, America must immediately commit to an intense surveillance of the Muslim community and the mosques, and America must commit to President Trump’s ban on Muslims and any “refugees” from terror prone regions with active terror groups, and activist judges be damned. It’s better to be politically incorrect and make a few Americans feel “uncomfortable”, than to see anymore Americans murdered in the future by Muslims, who decide the time is now for Islam.
However, as noted on Fox News by Dan Bongino, a former United States Secret Service agent: “You have an American political party … that’s absolutely committed to the idea that we should never surveil, God forbid, in a mosque, because that may upset some people … a mosque should not be some kind of protected space.”
With cowards in abundance in Congress, are there not any true American patriots left? Who will loudly declare that the solution to our terrorist problem is to stop giving them entrance to America? Who will move for the expulsion of all non-citizen Muslims and any U.S. citizen Muslim with known terrorist ties? Stand up and SPEAK OUT.
Life is like a morning mist that soon vanishes, so free, loving Americans, free people everywhere, cherish it. Any logical people do not wish to see their final day’s arrival hastened by a Muslim terrorist, who loves death more; and as such, any delay and obstruction, in efforts to halt all Muslim immigration to the U.S., puts the murders of Americans squarely on the weak backs of those Democrats, RINOs, activist judges and failed Christian pastors, who preach “coexist” and “Islam is a religion of peace”. The grave stones of thousands of Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists demand the lives of America’s children be safeguarded, and these grave stones prove that coexistence is a sham and delusion.
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