The Clinton Sleaze Machine is back with us.
After 20 years of relief from the ongoing assault of the despicable Clinton Sleaze Machine, it rears its ugly head again.
The days of controlling “bimbo eruptions” are in the past.
Now the Clinton Sleaze Machine has Donald Trump in its sights.
Clinton’s big gamble is based on her belief that the American voter is too stupid to recognize the disproportionate offense of Trump’s private conversation with another man with Clinton’s years of self-enriching corrupt activities and incompetence as Secretary of State that cost four American lives while she illegally exposed sensitive intelligence material of the highest classification to foreign intelligence gathering agencies that may well have cost the lives of two foreign CIA assets.
And who can forget Clinton’s serial lying whenever she was asked about any of these activities?
Clinton lied to the FBI.
Clinton lied to Congress.
Clinton lied to the American people.
Clinton lied to the surviving families of those killed in Benghazi. And then she lied about the survivors.
This sleazy behavior is consistent with the same Clinton Sleaze Machine that operated throughout Bill Clinton’s presidency.
Bill Clinton was impeached for lying about an illicit affair with an intern.
Hillary Clinton has her own long history of questionable activities that include:
- Her one and only cattle futures “trade” wherein she turned someone else’s $1000 into a $100,000 windfall for herself,
- Her key role in the unscrupulous Whitewater Development scandal that bilked many ordinary citizens out of their retirement “nest egg”,
- While First Lady, her direction of responses to “bimbo eruptions” that threatened every woman who came forward with allegations of Bill Clinton’s inappropriate sexual advances,
- Her tenure as Secretary of State during which she operated a “pay to play” self-enrichment scheme selling exemptions from federal law to foreign entities in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars funneled through a Canadian tax-exempt entity to the Clinton Foundation,
- Her failure to respond to repeated pleas for beefed up security in Benghazi that led to the terrorist attack that she claimed was a “spontaneous demonstration” in response to a video, a story that she knew to be a blatant lie when she and her operatives repeated it for weeks,
- Her use of private nonsecure email servers to hide her “pay to play” scheme while she was Secretary of State, a clear violation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law,
- Her responsibility for sending and receiving highly classified information on her nonsecure private email servers, a clear violation of espionage and national security laws and an act that may well have cost the lives of two key foreign CIA assets,
- Her failure to fully disclose the nature of her health issues that are very clearly far more extensive than pneumonia,
Clinton’s repeated and continuing lies about every one of these dishonest, corrupt and/or criminal acts is reprehensible beyond anything Donald Trump could possibly have said 11 years ago.
Clinton has never been held to account for any of her actions. She has been the greatest beneficiary of the power of corruption in high places and the complete collapse of integrity and ethics in modern journalism.
And the best defense Clinton has to offer is that she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong.
Are we expected to believe that the “smartest woman in the world”, an attorney, didn’t know any of these activities were unethical, illegal, and highly damaging to our nation?
The attempt by the Clinton Sleaze Machine to equate Donald Trump’s past ill-conceived private conversation with Hillary Clinton’s long record of dishonesty, contempt of others, incompetence, illegal and recklessly dangerous actions as Secretary of State will fail. It may generate lots of negative press for Donald Trump for a few days, but in the end, people will put things in perspective with their own “upon further review” reassessment of which is ultimately more damaging to our nation: Clinton’s years of corruption and dishonesty or Trump’s decade-old private remark.
Do we really want to put the Clinton Sleaze Machine back in business and reward the despicable act that released an unauthorized recording of a private conversation between two men nearly a dozen years ago?
Personally, I believe the American voters have had enough of the Clinton Sleaze Machine and will not reward this latest act.
Since the corrupt Justice Department refuses to hold Clinton accountable, it will be up to the people to serve justice on Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Sleaze Machine on November 8 by soundly repudiating Clinton’s attempt to reward years of dishonesty and corruption with the Presidency.
Tags: Clinton corruption
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