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“Get Ready! We Will Win!”
America is hours away from a shooting civil war!

So say Patriot insiders scrambling to get the alert out!

 The American Military Establishment is already, ‘War Gaming, semi-openly, for this at this very time frame; pay attention to what is & is not being reported!” says the alert.

The alert continues: ” This is in direct proportion to their loss (NWO/Elites,  not the military that is      being used against  their will – at the moment) & control on America & the American populace as   shockingly demonstrated in the last presidential election.

“This is all planned as a vendetta against the American people for showing & demonstrating the power of a people who have reached a place & position wherein the people are stating by their collective elections, “Enough already !!”
The alert reveals the NWO & Elites instinctively know, “It is now are never !  Move now…or we will lose it all & become hunted as traitors.  It is them or us.  We will not submit to this rebellion of the people against our rule !  If necessary…we will initiate a coup & civil war to shut this down, lock it down, & initiate a “Final Solution !!  We will not be deterred, defeated & destroyed !!  We will prevail, against all odds, no matter the cost !!”

Purging is just hours away, UNLESS GOD ALMIGHTY intervenes.”

          All Americans have now been warned!  Share widely!

          Better to err on the side of  preparedness!  This is an Alert passed on by Patriotic  authorities to Vigileaks…

          Discuss with your local sheriff his allegiances  today…

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