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The subject of drones along the southern U.S. Border, especially near El Paso, Laredo and Brownsville, Texas; San Diego, CA; and large sections of the southern Arizona Border, has NOT been a welcomed discussion for the past couple of years.

Even with preliminary or reasonable suspicion the topic has been virtually off limits.  During the past year there was “soft” evidence to increase suspicion that drones were deployed by Cartels along the southern Arizona Border for transporting small amounts of narcotics.

It is possible these few drone incursions were test trials as to the financial application and reliability of such narcotics transport mode.

More alarming and only discussed in hushed tones far from the public was the theory that cartels were beginning to explore drones use for surveillance operations, and additional human trafficking and narcotics cover and support.  Even far more hushed were conversations among Intel specialists that collusion might be occurring by and between certain cartels and ISIS.

The Obama crew throughout federal law enforcement and national security made such discussions unadvisable and punitive if they occurred formally.

Political correctness and the very active promotion of no borders was the rule of the day.  The Border Wars were simply not covered by any media, and alternative means of shedding light on the heinous activities along the southern border were attacked vigorously.  Other than “speechifying” many Republican office holders showed little-to-no leadership protecting and maintaining security for our southern Border or National sovereignty.

So…the bad guys had great latitude to practice and improve techniques with drones.

While a physical border wall is critical and much needed in spite of what RINO Republicans pontificate; active measures confronting the growing sophisticated drone use must be developed.

iPatriot Contributers


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