Evidently, Congress didn’t get the memo that the Denizens of the Swamp, AKA., The Deep State, functions as a police state.
Taking a page from the old Russian Soviet Union, the Deputy Director of the Department of Justice, Rod Rosenstein, made it very clear to everyone that he did not like the Intel Committee, which has oversight over the DOJ, investigating him or telling him to cough up specific documents. Rosenstein retorted with the threat of subpoenaing the e-mails and records of the staff members of the Intel Committee.
This is clearly an attempt to intimidate and scare off those who would dig to deep.
This action shows that we may have a secret government within a government that will allow the congress to pretend it’s functioning as a democratic institution, when in reality those hidden inside the government will dictate the rules.
Like the Mueller investigation, which has made it perfectly clear that if you are close to President Trump, you can expect his partisan goons to knock your front door down and find yourself looking at a lengthy jail sentence.
So from now on, use care, if you step on the toes of certain people of the Establishment Class, expect to be smashed by the jack boot of the police state.
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