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As I try to follow current events in America and the rest of the world I constantly realize that I would have to suspend reality to actually believe the majority of what is being “reported”. Please know that I use the word “reported” very loosely in this article.

The Trump Russia Collusion story is a perfect example of how far to the Left the Democratic Party and MSM have gone. We have a special prosecutor that is accountable to no one and has an unlimited budget (of taxpayer dollars). He can investigate, and possibly file criminal charges against anyone he chooses. He is an egomaniac that has assembled one of the most biased and expensive group of lawyers in the history of the “Washington Cesspool”.  All because the Obama Administration and the Democrats claimed that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Presidential election.

Yes, Russia does “meddle” in other countries elections and lots of other things, but the U.S. and many other countries do that too! If you want to know which country is the “meddler in chief” just do a goggle search, “the U.S history of interfering in other countries elections”.  You will be amazed to find how much WE have been doing that and how long!  There are several articles that list six specific examples of the Obama Administration interfering in foreign elections, including Israel’s last Prime Minister election and Macedonia’s Democratic Presidential election. Obama actually spent U.S. tax payer dollars, and in some instances sent Americans to work on election campaigns of the people he preferred to win those six elections!  Hillary was the Secretary of State when some of this U.S. involvement in other countries’ elections was happening. Where were the Democrats and the MSM when these events were actually happening?

Another example of the Left’s and MSM’s obsession with twisting the truth to make it fit their desired outcome is the constant and loud stream of misinformation they are “reporting”.  The vocal Democrats and the MSM “reporting” is all about how bad everything is in America, how unpopular President Trump is and how many seats the Democrats are going to win back in the U.S. House and Senate in Nov 2018. I also noticed that they rarely provide much information to validate the “polls” they are referring to in their effort to prove their points?  I would think that they would have learned in November 2016 that this is not a winning strategy!

I began this article with a specific question because I simply do not believe that there are that many Americans now who are so uninformed,, or totally Left leaning Liberal that will believe the Democrat’s and MSM’s massive “lie and redirect” campaign. However, after I thought about it more I realized that the Left is using basic advertising techniques in their efforts to take back control of our government. A key rule of advertising is to maximize “reach and frequency”, which means how many times you’re advertising will be seen or heard by what people. The more times your target audience sees or hears your message the higher the odds are that they will positively respond to it. The Democrats and the MSM know this and are obviously making a concerted effort to convince enough people in America that they are right and to vote for their ideas! If we Conservatives do not stay vigilant and active they just might take back America with these tactics!

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