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Why does the Left despise the USA and seek its destruction? Why is this free nation of individuals loathed by Leftists everywhere? Why, indeed.

The United States is unique in the history of nations. Our borders are foreordained. Our rise in history is likewise. (Acts 17:26). Equally important, the United States was founded on religious and individual freedom. It is axiomatic that where the Gospel is preached the people are free. Where the Gospel is squelched, slavery abounds.

The Left was Satan’s answer to the American Revolution’s success at overthrowing a tyrannical form of government, ending the monarchy in these former colonies forever. Kings only have a divine right to return to Europe and become Globalists–over there. Here, we have no king but King Jesus.

The Left, insanely jealous of Americans, managed to bring about a Reign of Terror upon all of France. Only they did it without God and were proud to do so. They sought to change times and seasons as well as measurements used for centuries and change them by fiat rather than free choice.

But, that’s the Left. Their very name (LEFT) is a reference to the goats of the Bible that will stand at the left hand of Christ. They are the self-proclaimed enemies of God and His family and will go after religion first whenever possible–killing millions of believers in the name of Reason.

Far fewer people died as the result of all the religious wars fought over the past two millennia than died in the name of Reason in the 20th Century alone. Sixty years ago, we were still a Christian America. We welcomed Jews and other religions and believed they had the same rights to worship God in their own way as everyone else.

But, Satan is a crafty one. He knew that our constitution was written for a moral and religious people, and that it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. Therefore, in order to destroy the United States, it was necessary to change Americans into a different kind of people. And Satan has largely been successful in the endeavor. Over the past six decades or more, we as a people have become progressively more ignorant (no pun intended), and today, we are far less educated after receiving our participation degrees from former universities of higher learning than the average eighth grade graduate that went to work rather than on to high school a century ago. Face it, we’re now dumber than a bag of rocks (collectively) and that’s why kids think Communazism is cool.

Satan also managed to get Woodrow Wilson elected when Teddy Roosevelt split the vote in the 1912 election. Woodrow Wilson was a confirmed a-theist that had nothing but contempt for America and Americans. He didn’t use the word deplorable, but he didn’t have to. He succeeded in convincing us that Progressives were the future, and many of us bought into the lie.

Yet, despite Satan’s ability to get his people elected from time to time, Woodrow Wilson a century ago and Barack Obama ten years ago, despite all the damage they’ve caused in the name of transforming America into Cuba, El Elyon thwarts their efforts time and again because the USA is His nation, formed by His family, not only to spread the Gospel to every corner on earth but to protect the Nation of Israel from the rest of the world—and He founded this nation 172 years before Israel was born.

Without a nationwide or worldwide revival, the rise of Antichrist will come sooner rather than later. He must come, of course, but ha’Maschiach delays as long as possible to bring fields of grain into the barns before it rains. But, after the seven-year-long rainstorm, the Son will shine forever, and the Left, the enemies of Elohim, the murderers of the innocent, will be judged accordingly and cast into the outer darkness where there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Just as society is better off when murderers are incarcerated for life, so too will the New World Order become God’s Brave New World after every Leftist on the planet is purged and imprisoned forever.

For the time being, because Adonai put Donald Trump into office, the plan of salvation continues apace, and Satan’s minions are left only to scream impotently at the sky. I believe the revival, the Final Great Awakening has begun, and Donald Trump will be the secular shepherd presiding over the fall of the Left and the rise of the Gospel again in America.

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Baruch hashem Adonai.

iPatriot Contributers


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